Identifying Illegal Tweets in SQL

by time news

2023-12-26 10:49:20
Title: Identifying Illegal Tweets Using SQL

The question from a coding platform will challenge developers to use their SQL skills to identify illegal tweets based on certain criteria. The problem provides an information sheet with fields such as tweet_id and content. It specifies that the tweet_id is the primary key for the data table.

Developers are tasked with listing all illegal tweets, with the definition of illegal tweets being those with a content length exceeding 15 characters. The order of the output is arbitrary.

To solve the problem, developers will need to write an SQL query using the CHAR_LENGTH() function to count and return the total number of characters in the given string.

Here’s a sample SQL query to accomplish this task:
SELECT tweet_id
FROM Tweets
WHERE CHAR_LENGTH(content) > 15;

The main focus of this question lies in the string function CHAR_LENGTH(), and developers can refer to various resources and tutorials to understand and use this function effectively.

For further details, developers can refer to the detailed question and solutions provided on the coding platform.

This challenge tests developers’ ability to write precise SQL queries and use string functions effectively to solve a real-world problem.
#SQL #function #CHAR_LENGTH #illegal #tweet #Leetcode

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