IDF Neutralizes Terrorists in Shooting Attack at Tunnel Checkpoint Near Jerusalem: Details and Investigation Ongoing

by time news

Shooting Attack at Tunnel Checkpoint Near Jerusalem Leaves One Soldier Seriously Injured

This morning (Thursday), a shooting attack at the tunnel checkpoint near Jerusalem left one soldier seriously injured and two moderately and slightly injured. Magen David Adom (MDA) teams quickly arrived at the scene and evacuated the injured to the Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital in the capital. Fighters in the area were able to neutralize the terrorists responsible for the attack.

According to reports, three terrorists arrived at the tunnel checkpoint and opened fire on the soldiers. Other fighters at the checkpoint were able to respond and neutralize the attackers. A police saboteur examined a suspicious object nearby and ruled out any suspicion of an explosive device.

Shin Bet and police forces are currently at the scene collecting evidence as part of an ongoing investigation into the identity of the terrorists. Once their identities are confirmed, police forces will move to arrest any associates or family members with the aim of determining if they were aware of the attackers’ intentions.

The investigation will also focus on how the terrorists arrived at the scene, if they received assistance from others, and if there were any other accomplices involved. It is expected that the forces will later demolish the terrorists’ houses, as is customary in cases of this nature.

MDA emergency medic Benjamin Rosens, along with paramedics Ronan Yemini and Ahab Aliyan, described the scene as chaotic, with four gunshot wounds to treat. “One young man, around 20 years old, was unconscious with gunshot wounds to the upper body. We gave him medical treatment and urgently evacuated him to the hospital. Three others were also treated for gunshot wounds, with two in moderate condition and two in a minor condition. In addition, we also treated a number of anxiety victims.”

The investigation is being conducted in cooperation with the Shin Bet and the Jerusalem District Police and is currently in its early stages. More information will be released as it becomes available.

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