IDF Research Division Head Steps Down Due to Health Concerns: Replacement Announced

by time news

The head of the research division at the IDF, Brigadier General Amit Sa’ar, was forced to end his post after he was diagnosed in recent days with a malignant tumor that requires immediate treatment – this was announced this morning (Thursday) by an IDF spokesman. Following the sudden replacement, Brigadier General Itai Baron Will fill the place of research sergeant in the coming months until a permanent appointment, at the request of the chief of staff. Baron served as a research lieutenant between 2011-2015, serves in the reserves in the research division from the first day of the war, and is well-versed in the intelligence picture

For the letter that Brigadier General Sa’ar sent to the men and women of the wing, click here

Brigadier General Sa’ar published this morning, with the announcement of his retirement from the position, a letter to the men and women of the Research Division, in which he reiterated his responsibility for the omission on October 7. “In the last few months, we have all experienced, and I am at the head of you, a deep shock. We did not live up to what is expected of us, what we expect of ourselves,” wrote the research sergeant. “From my first conversation with the division after Shiva in October, even before we found out the first detail, I made it clear that in the world of values ​​in which I live, I intend to take responsibility,” he clarified. “We will find out and interrogate every detail, every assessment we published, every flag we raised, but first of all we will stand up with a commanding value statement.”

“In the last few months I have experienced something else – the absolute commitment of our people, the sacrifice, creativity and initiative,” added Brigadier General Sa’ar in a letter to his soldiers. I received news that I will have to deal with a health condition that will require me to end my duties immediately and concentrate all my forces to fight,” he clarified. “I am confident that the responsibility will be given to the right hands.”

More on the subject – N12 coverage

“General Sa’ar is an officer with a lot of privileges, who contributed a lot to Israel’s security, even in these days of war,” the IDF said in a statement. “Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi cherishes his many years of work in the IDF, and his work throughout his life for the security of the citizens of the State of Israel.”

Brigadier General Sa’ar has served as the head of the research division at the AMN since October 2020, and is considered one of those responsible for the intelligence failure that led to the massacre on October 7. However, Brigadier General Sa’ar ends his position due to the medical background and regardless of the war and the default. By virtue of his position, he is one of the few IDF officers who regularly participates in discussions with the General Staff Forum and the political elite. Before his current position, Brigadier General Sa’ar was an officer the intelligence of the Southern Command and served as the head of the Palestinian arena in the research division.

Chief of Defense Forces Aharon Haliva | Photo: IDF Spokesman

Three main bodies are involved in the formation of Israel’s intelligence assessments: AMN (the intelligence division of the IDF), the Shin Bet (General Security Service) and the Mossad. Based on the definition of the need, intelligence information is collected. The collection is carried out by overt and covert means, such as media , eavesdropping, cyber, agents in the field, visual information from satellite photos, observations and more.

The information is collected in the three bodies at the same time – each one and his specialization. The Shin Bet focuses on the Palestinian arena and the territory of the State of Israel, the Mossad focuses on abroad and Amman – in all arenas. The information collected undergoes processing and an assessment of its reliability, and this is how a preliminary intelligence picture is created. The information is exposed from the most junior to the most senior ranks in any intelligence organization, and they are Those who confirm the steps of gathering and formulating the initial conclusions.

The assessment of the situation is the creation of the overall picture of the situation, partly based on the intelligence assessment, and includes the practical recommendations. In assessing the situation, we discuss how to translate the intelligence assessment they presented on the ground into actions: increase alertness, lower alertness, increase forces, carry out operations. At this point, the percentage score for assessments is important to make the decisions – what to put the weight on and what less. Intelligence assessments are carried out on a daily basis in all intelligence agencies. Once a year AMN compiles an annual situation assessment in which it summarizes the past year and presents assessments for the following year.

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