IEEE – An unfinished geopolitical Europe in an uncertain future.

by time news


An unfinished geopolitical Europe in an uncertain future.- Luis Francisco Rey Arroyo

The war in Ukraine has highlighted the lights and shadows of the current political situation in the European Union (EU). On the one hand, the EU has managed to act in a coordinated and coherent manner in this crisis; On the other hand, internal dissensions between the Member States create confusion and give an image of weakness and disunity to locals and strangers.

Thanks to a favorable geopolitical context and under the security umbrella of the United States (USA), the EU security concept based on interdependence and shared sovereignty in common institutions has been viable and successful.

However, in the current context of competition for world hegemony, this security formula does not seem to be so viable, since the language used by the great powers in conflict is that of power, so it seems necessary that the EU (not every one of the 27 on his own) can use, for his own security and defense, that language without ambiguity.

Likewise, regardless of the outcome of the war, Russia will continue to be a source of geopolitical instability for many years and the US struggle to maintain its world hegemony could displace the security umbrella that Europe has up to now. protected.

Document prepared by Luis Francisco Rey Arroyo. Colonel of the Army (Artillery), DEM (ret.).

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