IEEE – Jihadist Terrorist Organizations and Collision with National Interests.

by time news


Jihadist terrorist organizations and collision with national interests.- Francisco Jesús García García

This document intends to carry out an analysis of the implications of the struggle maintained by the two large jihadist groups, Dáesh and Al Qaeda, on national interests. It will be based on the application of structured analytical techniques for intelligence analysis, starting from the study of factors on which the jihadist threat affects directly or indirectly, to demonstrate if there is a correlation between said confrontation and the achievement of objectives of interest to Spain.

Although the application of analytical techniques is of greater value when a matter is addressed through a multidisciplinary group of experts, it is of great help when an analyst faces a problem individually, since, among other results, it allows guiding generating alert indicators, identifying potential crisis scenarios and supporting decision-making processes.

Document prepared by Francisco Jesus Garcia Garcia. Artillery Commander, INT. Head of the Information and Security Bureau (JMADOC).

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