IEEE – Maritime security in the vision of the Indo-Pacific: threats and / or risks to the economy.

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Maritime security from the perspective of the Indo-Pacific: threats and/or risks to the economy.- Pablo Rivas Pardo and Nicole Ayala Pulgar

The vision of the Indo-Pacific has acquired importance for and from the United States of America, as well as for some other States. Regardless of whether the vision is shared, its relevance lies in the fact that most of the world maritime trade crosses this region, so its stability is essential. According to the perspective of maritime security and the information provided by the Maritime Security Index, in the Indo-Pacific the threats and/or risks posed by private transnational agents, related to the violation of the rule of law, are the priority problem. Likewise, it is revealed that there is no homogeneous level of security in the States that make up the Indo-Pacific.

Document prepared by Pablo Rivas Pardo, i.associate researcher at INTE UNAP and Nicole Ayala Pulgar, iindependent researcher.

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