“If a madman gives me the money, I’ll shoot again in New York”

by time news

2023-09-04 22:06:42

The Venice Film Festival reaches the last screen of its controversies. After surviving Luc Besson and the presentation of Roman Polanski’s latest film, it’s Woody Allen’s turn. The Masterpieces Director as Annie Hall o Manhattan, premiered out of competition his latest film, Stroke of Luck (Stroke of luck in its original title), which has been shot in Paris. Allen was accused in 1992 by his daughter of sexual abuse in a case that never went to trial, since the police did not find conclusive evidence to take him to court; a case that was forgotten for decades until the arrival of Me Too and a documentary that gave voice to Dylan’s version rescued him.

Polanski crashes at the Venice Film Festival with ‘The Palace’, a dandy satire against the rich


The consequences were felt in Allen’s career, who was unable to produce his usual film per year due to lack of funding from the US, where his latest film has not been distributed, as it seems to be the case with Stroke of luck, which will arrive in Spain on September 29. A film that has been warmly welcomed in Venice in one of the most anticipated press conferences and that was monopolized by a monologue by Vittorio Storaro, its cinematographer, who took a third of the time for questions. The press gave the director a standing ovation after verifying that Woody Allen’s talent may be somewhat touched, but it never disappears.

If Polanski crashed a few days ago with a rancid and stale satire that could be his worst film, Allen resists thanks to playing it safe. Stroke of luck is a movie that could be a greatest hits one of the themes that he best masters and that he has been developing in his films for decades: there is a crime, an infidelity, sparkling dialogues and themes such as chance or death. Therefore, perhaps the closest and easiest reference to him is Match Point, although there is much more of the director’s cinema condensed in the hour and a half of the film.

Although not as brilliant as his English journey, Allen still manages to make one watch his films with a smile on his face. He leaves the cards clear from the beginning and they are little surprising, but they come in easily. The years in the staging are not noticeable in Allen. Although he has never been a particularly virtuoso director, here he delivers a tremendously elegant film, with his characteristic long shots that follow the characters ―among which the perversity of Melvil Poupaud shines― with skill and always placing the camera where he touches. Add to this the beautiful photography of Vittorio Storaro ―who stains the last third of it with a blue that anticipates what is to come―, another legend that never leaves him, and you have a film that will enchant his fans and that many will describe as minor. Of course, in the press pass his final turn was applauded and laughter sounded.

a lucky man

Woody Allen went to Venice the same day that an interview was published in the newspaper El Mundo in which he was asked about the Rubiales controversy and the non-consensual kiss to Jenny Hermoso. Allen said that he lacked “data” and that he only knew “what was in the newspaper”, but then he dared to venture that “it seemed to him that it was the result of the moment, that in the face of the emotion of victory, two people who They knew each other hugged and he kissed her” and added that “it is difficult to understand that a person can lose their job and be penalized in this way for kissing someone”, although he ended by saying that “if it was inappropriate or too aggressive, you have to tell him clearly not to do that and to apologize.” His opinion on issues related to machismo or alleged sexual abuse is something that has been under scrutiny since the accusations of his daughter, but no mention was made of it at the Mostra press conference.

Adultery, romantic intrigue, death, murder… have been the substance of drama and comedy since the Greeks. My films deal with these themes because they are the essence of the drama.

Woody Allen – Director de cine

Despite the fact that he always slips the possibility that this is his last film (he would close his filmography with 50 titles), in Venice Allen explained to journalists that there is always an idea waiting to be shot. “I have a very good idea to shoot again in New York, if someone comes out of the shadows and offers to finance me without asking too many questions, if some crazy person puts the money on the table for me, I would do it”, he said with irony and almost refusing to retire altogether, but making it quite clear that if he doesn’t shoot in the US it’s because he can’t find producers there.

Regarding his filming in Europe, he has said that he makes films where he can raise them. “Sometimes I get a phone call from someone in a country saying, ‘We’ll finance your film if you make it in Icelandic or another language.’ And if I have an idea that is good for Italy or Germany or wherever, then I consider it. Sometimes I don’t know the country well, but I had such a nice experience shooting in France that it’s something I would consider.”

He has already filmed in France, Italy, Spain… and now he is back in France. To adapt his script ―it was originally a New York couple―he has made only “cosmetic changes,” but the rest follows. That plot that brings his usual obsessions that are those of many others before him. “Adultery, romantic intrigue, death, murder… they are the substance of drama and comedy since the Greeks, it is what interests people. My films deal with these themes directly because they are the essence of the drama”, he assured him about the issues that he repeats in his films and that are also in Stroke of luck. Allen has confessed that he is better at female characters, because she finds it “more interesting” to write them. “Perhaps due to the influence of the directors I admire like Ingmar Bergman or Tennessee Williams, but I have never known how to write for men except for myself.”

At 87, he considers that he has been “very lucky.” “I have had a wonderful life, a wonderful wife, children… I have been very lucky all my life and have received, throughout my life, much undeserved praise and an enormous amount of attention and respect. I have had nothing but good luck. And I hope it holds up.” About death just one piece of advice: “It’s a bad business and there’s not much you can do about it, just don’t think about it.”

#madman #money #Ill #shoot #York

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