If Eid al-Fitr falls on Friday, is Friday prayer necessary? This is the Opinion of 4 Schools

by time news

2023-04-19 12:18:14


If Eid al-Fitr falls on Friday, Friday prayers do not have to be held for rural people, according to the Syafii school of thought. Photo/Illustration: miftah

Performing Friday prayers is mandatory. This is contained in the Koran Surah al-Jumu’ah verses 12-13. Then what if Idul Fitri or Eid al-Adha) falls on Friday?

The Syafi’i school of thought believes that if the holiday falls on a Friday, then it is obligatory to perform the Friday prayer, except for those who live in the valleys (describing people who lived in the past, i.e. those whose homes are far from the mosque).

Jumhur scholars from among the Hanafiyyah Malikiyyah, continue to carry out Friday prayers. They adhere to the argument for the generality of the Friday prayer law, as QS al Jumu’ah verses 12-13. And the hadiths that say:

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Friday prayer is a right and an obligation for every Muslim in congregation, except for four: a slave, a woman, a boy, or a sick person.” Narrated by Abu Dawood

“Friday prayer is an obligation for every Muslim, which is carried out in congregation, except for four people, namely slaves, women, small children, and sick people.” (Reported by Abu Dawud). Based on this hadith they oblige Friday prayers when it coincides with a holiday.

Hanabilah scholars (Imam Hambali) think that for people who have attended the Eid al-Fitr prayer, it is permissible not to attend the Friday prayer, so it is permissible to pray the Friday prayer and it is permissible to perform the Zuhr prayer. As for the legal basis is that this matter once happened during the time of the Prophet SAW, according to the hadith:

The hadith of Zaid bin Arqam, may God be pleased with him, that Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, may God be pleased with him, asked him: Did you witness with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, two feasts that met in one day? He said: Yes, he said: How was it made? He said: He prayed the Eid prayer, then concessions on Friday, and he said: Whoever wants to pray, let him pray. Narrated by Ahmed, Abu Dawood, Al-Nasa’i and Ibn Majah

Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan asked Zaid bin Arqam: Have you ever experienced two Eid prayers in one day? Zaid bin Arqam answered: yes I have. Abu Sofyan asked again: how did the Prophet SAW respond to him? He replied: “He prayed the Eid with us, and then he gave us relief, whoever wants to pray Friday, and whoever doesn’t, then please”. (HR ِAhmad, Abu Daud, Ibnu Majjah, An Nasai).

Scholars from the Syafi’i School then opined that religion provides relief for rural residents who have gone to the trouble of attending Eid prayers in the morning to return to their homes in the countryside without having to return again to attend Friday prayers during the day.

Imam An-Nawawi in the book “Raudhatut Talibin wa ‘Umdatul Muftin” said that if the day of Id coincides with Friday – while residents of the hinterland who come to them for the id prayer attend the id prayer and they know that if they move to the interior (back) they will miss the Friday prayer – then they may shift since morning and may miss the prayer Friday on that day according to the opinion of the Sahih that the text is on qaul qadim and jaded.

“However, according to the uncommon qaul syadz, they must be patient and refrain from attending the combination of the two (Id and Friday prayers),” he said.

We can also find this view of the Shafi’i School from the statement of Imam As-Sya’rani in Al-Mizanul Kubra. One of them is the opinion of Imam As-Shafi’i, “If the Eid day coincides with Friday, then the obligation of Friday prayers does not drop from the townspeople because of the implementation of the Eid prayer. It is different from the interior population, if they attend the Eid prayer, then the obligation to pray Friday falls from them. They may leave Friday and shift to their residence in the interior ”

As-Sya’rani added that there is another view that is heavier and even lighter when Idul Fitri and Friday coincide on the same day.

Imam Abu Hanifah made it obligatory for Friday prayers for residents of cities and rural areas. Ahmad bin Hanbal stated that Friday prayers are not obligatory for residents of cities and residents of the countryside. The obligation to pray Friday has been dropped due to the implementation of the Eid prayer in the morning. City and rural residents can replace it with midday prayers.

Meanwhile, Imam Atha said that the obligation to pray Friday or midday prayers had been dropped, so that after the Eid prayer there were no other prayers apart from Asr.

Read too: The Law of Eid Prayer According to 4 Schools


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