New Delhi: Cricket celebrities Vettori and Chris Lynn have said that adding Sunrisers player Umran Malik to the Indian squad would shock the world. Sunrisers Hyderabad’s Umran Malik is also bowling fast against New Zealand’s Lucky Ferguson (Gujarat) in the IPL. He has thrown the ball at a maximum speed of 153.3 kmph so far. Ferguson is flying at 153.9 km / h. He also took 5 wickets for 25 runs in 4 overs against Gujarat, attracting the attention of the cricketing world.
Former New Zealand captain Daniel Vettori said yesterday, ‘Umran’s pace is creating tension among batsmen. This is something that the BCCI should take note of. If Umran gets a chance in the Indian team he will shake the world with his speed. Shoaib Akhtar throws like Brad Lee, Shaun Tide. ‘ Australian cricketer Chris Lynn says, ‘Umran is ready to feature in the Indian team. Since the pitches in Australia are pitches that cooperate with speed, the chances of Umran making the World Cup squad are bright. With that, he is going to be the center of a major storm internationally. ‘