If it weren’t for the French Olympics, we wouldn’t know about the massacre of Algerians throwing themselves into the river at the parade site in Paris 2024-07-28 10:10:08

by time news

Experienced writer AHMET ÖZAY, who analyzed the French Olympics from Cologne in a different way, said, “Where the Seine River flows red. Most of us would not have learned that France, which became famous for the genocides of ‘Setif’, ‘Oran’ and many more, threw the Algerians into the river in the middle of Europe if it were not for the Paris 2024 Olympics. The athletes who left blood-colored carnations in the Seine River reminded us of the October 17, 1961 massacre.” AHMET ÖZAY’s remarkable analysis is as follows.

Algerian athletes laid roses in the Seine River at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to commemorate the Algerians massacred by the French.

AHMET ÖZAY, Cologne, Analysis, 28.07.2024

As is known, France is considered the center of ‘Contemporary Civilization’. Whether you are a French lover or an opponent of the French understanding of culture… The French understanding of civilization is used as a measurement of perception or judgment for almost everyone. The Paris 2024 Olympics, which opened the day before yesterday, divided all societies in two with various visual impositions. Unmeasured innovators declared the visual works projected on the screen with carefully selected music as ingenious designs unique to France. Those who interpreted France as identical with the ‘genocidal’ colonial understanding of civilization either did not go to the screen or perceived the opening ceremony as a pagan, homosexual imposition. Regardless, the Paris 2024 Olympics opening ceremony has already found a place in our memories in 5 different ways. The first of these is the skill of the LGBT imposition to enter the seat of honor in our homes with various demons. Therefore, the approach that even TRT, which is extremely cautious on this issue, has succumbed to these tactics… This issue will probably continue to cause confrontation between people in our country for a while longer. The third is the imagination of “If this visual success is achieved on the Seine River, how would the Bosphorus be seen if the Olympics were held in Istanbul?”


Now let’s come to the clothes designed by Vakko for the Turkish delegation at the Olympic opening ceremony. The design is already very bad in terms of visuals. There are also those that resemble pajamas. However, the colors and motifs used in these designs contain a hidden message for two different reasons. The first is the ‘blue-white’ colors used… The second is that the blue-white stripes used were preferred to be the same width as the Israeli flag rather than the Turkish flag. The third issue is the color and direction of the stripes. When the direction of the stripes is taken into account, the preferred design is identical to the uniforms that the German Nazi dictatorship made the Jews wear in the concentration camps between 1939 and 1945. Anyone who knows German and Jewish history immediately identifies these colors, these stripes and this uniform in their minds. Is it possible that Vakko, who prides himself on dressing the world and earns his living from color combinations and patterns, does not know these details?


Let’s return to Paris, the cradle of civilization. The French paid a heavy price for human dignity, serving the formation of institutions such as the constitution, parliament, and political parties. Although they fought for humanity, French civilization developed synchronously with the history of genocide, just as it did before the French Revolution. France, which presented the 1915 experiences of Armenians in Anatolia to the world as ‘genocide’, carried out unprecedented massacres both before and after 1915. The Algerian Olympic Committee reminded us of such a massacre, which cannot find a place in our memories, with the attitude it displayed at the opening ceremony.


Most of us would not have learned that France, which is famous for its genocide examples such as ‘Setif’, ‘Oran’ and many others, has recently thrown Arabs into the river in the middle of Europe, if not for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. It was October 17, 1961. France wanted to prevent people from gathering in the streets as a reaction to the massacres it committed in Algeria. Two weeks earlier, the city council had imposed a nighttime curfew on Algerian Muslim French in Paris. Approximately 30 thousand people broke the curfew with a sudden action. Police Chief Maurice Papon ordered the masses who took to the streets chanting the slogans “Long live the FLN!”, “Freedom for Bin Bella!” and “Algeria belongs to the Algerians!” to be stopped by shooting. Although the demonstration, which was attended by tens of thousands, took place peacefully despite the curfew, Police Chief Maurice Papon gave the order to shoot. Among the demonstrators were French women of Algerian origin who were dressed quite modernly. Men also wore suits and ties. (AHMET ÖZAY, Cologne, 28.07.2024)

2024-07-28 10:10:08

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