2024-10-09 15:17:00
The plenary session of the Congress discussed on Tuesday and will vote on Thursday the non-legislative proposal of the Socialist Parliamentary Group reduce the maximum blood alcohol limit allowed for all drivers of vehicles, motorized and otherwise, at 0.2 g/l in the blood and 0.1 mg/l in the exhaled air, practically half of what is authorized today.
What are the effects of alcohol?
Alcohol is a psychoactive substance that acts as a central nervous system depressant. Its consumption is associated with the development of various diseases; But in addition to the chronic consequences, its intake can cause immediate alterations in various abilities and behaviors.
“Alcohol produces several alterations, mainly on perception and concentration,” he explains. Guadalupe Blayhead of the Endocrinology and Nutrition Working Group of the Spanish Society of General and Family Doctors (SEMG). After consuming alcoholic beverages not only do the reaction capacity and reflexes decrease, but also the visual acuity decreases, distances are calculated worse, there is greater sensitivity to glare and road signs are perceived worse because it can give you a vision at tunnel, says the doctor. “Coordination and decision-making are also affected,” he adds. On the other hand, alcohol also creates a false sense of security, which can lead to less careful driving.
What does the blood alcohol level depend on?
Blood alcohol level measures the amount of alcohol in your blood. It depends on several factors, such as the amount of alcohol ingested, the strength of the drink, the weight and sex of the person or the type of drink taken. Factors such as tiredness, anxiety, stress or taking on an empty stomach may also play a role. “Age also plays a role,” Blay clarifies. “These are those under 18 and those over 65 more sensitive to the effects of alcohol“.
The speed with which alcohol is ingested is also important. “The same quantity of alcohol does not produce the same alcohol level in the blood if it is drunk progressively over the course of the day as if it were ingested quickly, in one or two hours. It is much higher when it is drunk quickly, concentrated”, explains Laura Orio, director of the Research Group on the Psychoneuroimmunology of Substance Use Disorders at the Complutense University of Madrid.
What is the relationship between alcohol and accidents?
According to DGT data, alcohol is one of the most frequent risk factors in road accidents. In fact, between 30% and 50% of fatal accidents occur. As the amount of alcohol in the body increases, the risk of accidents also increases. According to the DGT, with a blood alcohol content of 0.5 grams of ethanol per liter of blood the risk of suffering a collision is multiplied by two. At 0.8 g/l the risk is five times greater.
The alterations that occur with a blood alcohol level between 0.3/0.8 g/l are notable, explains Laura Orio. “Emotional excitability occurs, there is euphoria but also relaxation and decreased visual acuity.” With these levels of alcohol in the blood there is “a slower overall reaction, reflexes are impaired and judgment is reduced, which is important for driving. There may also be some motor impairment and there is also impulsiveness and overestimation of things. ” abilities that you have”, explains Orio.
With a higher blood alcohol level, with levels between 0.8/1.5 g/l, we are already talking about significant drunkenness, the reflexes will be very disturbed and the responses will be very slowed down. There may be significant problems with coordination and control, difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention. Furthermore, there is a decrease in vigilance and a very significant reduction in the perception of risk,” he adds.
What is 0.2 worth?
Although, as we have said, the level of alcohol in the blood depends on several factors, DGT estimates indicate that for a man weighing between 70 and 90 kilos, one third of a 330 ml and 5% beer represents a level between between 0.21 and 0.28. grams of alcohol per liter of blood. A 100ml 12º glass of wine would mean a rate between 0.16 and 0.20 while a 45ml 23º glass of liquor would mean a rate between 0.13 and 0.17. In the case of a woman weighing between 50 and 70 kg, one third of beer represents a rate between 0.34 and 0.48. A wine would rate between 0.25 and 0.35 and a liqueur would rate between 0.21 and 0.30.
Both the DGT and the experts consulted agree thatThe only truly safe rate is 0.0 g/l. “No alcohol consumption is safe”explains Albert Espelt, coordinator of the alcohol working group of the Spanish Epidemiological Society, who emphasizes that you should not drink a single drop of alcohol while driving.
In his opinion, the most important thing about decisions such as lowering the permitted blood alcohol level is the impact this measure has “on denormalization of alcohol consumption“.
“It has been shown that the decrease in rates implies a general decrease in alcohol consumption. This means that we will have fewer adolescents exposed to parents who regularly drink beer, because they will no longer be able to do so if they then have to. This contribution to the denormalization of alcohol consumption is very positive in a society that continues to consider the presence of alcohol everywhere normal”, he reflects.
When do you start to notice the effects of alcohol?
It can start to be detected in the blood almost immediately, within 5 minutes of ingestion. The maximum level of detection is between 30 and 90 minutes. According to the DGT, a person with a blood alcohol level of 1 g/l can take 6 to 10 hours for the blood alcohol level to drop below the maximum permitted level.
Are there ways to lower blood alcohol levels?
There are many of them myth on the possibility of reducing blood alcohol levels. In reality, neither doing physical activity, nor taking chewing gum or sweets, nor drinking or chewing coffee works. Smoking, drinking lots of water, or taking other medications is also not helpful.
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