If these symptoms are present, men can also get breast cancer

by time news


A recent statistic has shattered the belief that breast cancer is only for women. Yes, one in every hundred female cancer patients is a male breast cancer patient diagnosed in London.

Although breast cancer is generally thought of as a disease affecting only women, it is estimated that hundreds of men are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK each year.

The following are ranked as the most important male breast cancer symptoms

1. Breast Lump – These are usually hard, painless and do not move within the breast

2. Inward turning of the nipple.

3. Discharge from the nipple.

4. Sore or sore around the nipple The nipple or surrounding skin becomes hard, red or swollen.

5. Occurrence of small bumps in the armpit.

What are the effects of breast cancer in men?

Breast cancer in men increases the risk of prostate cancer many times over, shocking study finds

Diagnosis of male breast cancer:

Screening for breast cancer through tests and scans.

If you have a clear family history of breast cancer, get genetic testing done by a geneticist. If you have the above symptoms, don’t ignore them and get immediate treatment.

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