“If we don’t block everything, the government won’t listen to us anymore”

by time news

Habit sets in. Not resignation. For the third day of mobilization against the pension reform, the inter-union expected a drop in the number of demonstrators compared to the record of January 31 (1.27 million according to the police, more than 2.5 million according to the unions) . The Ministry of the Interior counted, Tuesday, February 7, 757,000 demonstrators everywhere in France and 57,000 in Paris; they were nearly two million for the CGT, including 400,000 in Paris. The eight employee organizations are now counting on the fourth day of action, organized on Saturday February 11, to take stock at the end of the week. Because the abnegation of the demonstrators is indisputable. Despite the start of the school holidays, despite the loss of wages linked to the days of strikes, despite the inflexible position of the government.

While the examination of the reform has begun in the National Assembly, the social movement is entering an uncertain period, where everyone is wondering about the strategy to adopt. One thing is certain, there is no question of stepping over the February holidays. If the return to the three zones, on March 6, is in everyone’s mind, the objective is to continue to put pressure on the government by then. “The mobilization is built on these two days and if the government is tempted to rejoice in a drop in mobilization today, I advise it to be careful”warned Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, before the Parisian procession set off on Tuesday, February 7.

“We will have to go further”

A possible hardening of the movement, with a blocking of the economy and renewable strikes, is also beginning to be mentioned. CFTC Chairman Cyril Chabanier explained that “all options are on the table” : Saturday February 11, the intersyndicale will meet “to find new dates, but also to ask whether we should not go up a notch, with blockades or renewable strikes”. While the government still does not intend to reverse the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64, “maybe demonstrations will not be enough” to obtain the withdrawal of the bill, recognized the secretary general of the CGT, Philippe Martinez.

In the procession of the demonstration against the pension reform, in Paris, on February 7, 2023.
During the demonstration against the pension reform in the streets of Alès (Gard), February 7, 2023.
Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: in the National Assembly, the start of a stormy examination of the government’s project

A resolutely offensive tone from the union leaders found in the processions. Present for the third time in Paris, James (the people cited by their first name only wished to remain anonymous), a 51-year-old labor inspector, thinks “that a blockage of the economy is necessary” to be heard. “The government must listen to ushe said. Obviously, massive demonstrations are not enough, so we will have to go further. »

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