‘If you are conservative, don’t watch it’ (Video)

by time news

2023-09-22 17:02:07

This morning, the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador He called for those who consider themselves conservative and against the transformation of the country not to watch the morning press conference. This after a new sanction imposed by the National Electoral Institute (INE) was announced.

During ‘La Mañanera’ on September 22, the federal president reiterated that the exercise he leads every day from the National Palace makes it possible to publicize important facts about the country and the political sphere.

“I just found out that the INE and the Electoral Tribunal, are the same but with different letterhead, asked that before the morning conference begins to put an announcement, and we are going to put it”:

“The morning press conferences of the President of the Republic are intended to disseminate institutional or governmental propaganda, for informational, educational or social orientation purposes, so no statements may be made related to political or electoral topics that unduly affect the equity of the electoral contests and influence the citizens, in the same way, demonstrations or expressions may not be held in favor of or against the political forces or people identified with them.

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In this regard, he decided to comment on the new sanction that the INE Complaints and Complaints Commission imposed on him, in response to a complaint filed by the virtual presidential candidate of the Frente Amplio por México, Xóchitl Gálvez.

“There are many defenders of the old regime of corruption and injustice. I just found out that the INE and the Electoral Tribunal, which is the same but with a different letterhead, asked that before the conference begins we put up a sign, a paragraph. We’re going to do it, but I’m going to add another one,” he said.

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Subsequently, AMLO dictated to his team, word by word, what the extra paragraph that will be added to the one dictated by the electoral body will say, but not before pointing out that they do not want to let him talk about any politician.

“If you are conservative and you are against the transformation of the country because you want the privileges and privileges to return and for corruption, classism, racism and discrimination to continue, we recommend that you do not watch this program because it may cause you some psychological damage.” emotional or affect the interests you defend. AMLO,” he said.

#conservative #dont #watch #Video

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