If you are not old, you can be “Alzheimer’s”! Check out 5 signs you have these symptoms or not?

by time news

Today (21 Sept. 65) there is another important day that “working age” should be aware that is “world alzheimer’s day” to monitor the risk of symptomsdementia For the origin of “Alzheimer’s diseaseIt was first discovered in 1901 by Alois Alzheimer German psychiatrist who later named the disease after his name in honor of the psychiatrist.

“Alzheimer’s disease” or “dementia” is a type of brain disease caused by the deterioration, damage, or death of brain cells in areas that are responsible for learning and memory. causing the patient to lose short-term memory And some people may not be able to control their emotions.

After the disease was discovered Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) was later formed in 1984 to support and treat people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. along with disseminating knowledge about this disease to the general public

After that, in 1994, the ADI organization established the “World Alzheimer’s Day”, which falls on September 21 each year. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Alzheimer’s Disease International, every year, Alzheimer’s disease prevention and treatment cooperation is celebrated and held annually with organizations around the world.

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Although the disease was once thought to only affect the elderly aged 65 and over. But at present there are many research and medical reports found that Today, young people are also at risk of developing dementia. It is clear from one report that in the United States There are about 200,000 people with Alzheimer’s disease under the age of 65.

In Thailand, the same incidence is found. Recently, there is information from an academic article of Phyathai Hospital (16 Sept. 65) reports that at presentDementia patients are found in younger people. is found more in people aged 30 years or older or still inworking age” found up to 7% of the total number of patients.

This is caused by the effects of other illnesses or from certain behaviors that lead to dementia in young people. Usually when people enter the age of 40 years onwards, organs and endocrine systems work. Including the heart and brain will gradually deteriorate. It is part of the brain cells to begin to deteriorate.

But another important factor from having a congenital disease such as high blood pressure hyperlipidemia diabetic Vascular disease, liver disease, and chronic kidney disease Including if there are risky behaviors such as Smoking heavily, drinking alcohol regularly no exercise Sit and work, rarely move, stress, sleep late, not enough rest. These will increase your risk of developing dementia more quickly.

However, most people may not be able to differentiate what type of forgetfulness is a common type of forgetfulness. and what are the symptoms of “Alzheimer’s disease”? This was answered by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Solapat Hemranrot Physician at the Brain Training Center Chulalongkorn Hospital, the Thai Red Cross Society, described as follows:

not old

simple forgetfulness

  • I can’t remember where I put my pens, keys, everyday objects.
  • Problems with general memory, such as forgetting names of people after a long time, and forgetting details
  • have memory problems but other normal brain functions

Symptoms of forgetfulness that indicate “Dementia”

  • I don’t remember ever picking up that side of the pen before. I didn’t think that I forgot
  • Things that are not to be forgotten in everyday life, but are forgotten, such as having eaten before, taking a shower and going to other provinces go to grandchildren’s wedding or can’t remember what to do, etc.
  • degeneration of the brain Makes knowledge and ability of other matters change with
  • can’t remember and learn new things
  • Lost, unable to calculate, unable to manage basic daily routines. Emotional and behavioral problems such as irritability, lethargy and indifference, lack of restraint, confusion, anxiety, fear, etc.

However, this disease can be prevented early by Dr. Jesada Khiaokhajee, a specialist doctor. Institute of Neurology Has advised on the prevention of “Alzheimer’s” that people of working age or the elderly should be able to train themselves by doing various activities. Do a variety of activities in daily life such as praying for meditation, cooking, washing clothes, folding clothes, etc. want to do normally

If you have poor memory Recommended daily journaling Review for yourself what you have done. Complemented by playing matching games, playing catch-up games, playing various maze games. to practice knowing the direction They should also practice arithmetic, add and subtract numbers and practice coloring. Including should exercise regularly Make your mind fresh and clear. eat nutritious food Avoid smoking/drinking alcohol, etc.


Reference: nationaltoday, phyathai, chulabhornhospital

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