If you eat this fruit on an empty stomach daily, you will end all your suffering if you suffer from cancer, stroke, diabetes and atherosclerosis.. Know it now

by time news

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Garlic was used in ancient Asian medicine to treat many diseases, as garlic cloves were considered in the Greek era as the antidote that treats various diseases.

This is because it consists of many antioxidants, sulfur compounds and amino acids, and it also contains the natural immune drug S_allyl cysteine, and when garlic is crushed, this substance turns into allicin and interacts with the enzyme allinase, which gives the garlic smell. Garlic has many benefits.

Reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, and recent studies have indicated that one fruit of garlic reduces levels of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

One of the benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach is that it lowers high blood pressure, as it relaxes the muscles of blood vessels, because it helps to increase the secretion of nitric oxide in the blood, which helps expand and relax blood vessels.

Helps prevent atherosclerosis and clots, because eating garlic on an empty stomach reduces triglycerides in the blood, which prevents and treats heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Fighting infectious fungal diseases caused by bacteria circulating in the air, is one of the most important benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach, because garlic contains allicin, which resists bacterial enzymes.

Also, one of the benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach is that it fights the parasite giardiasis, which causes diseases of the digestive system, as it has an important role in fighting diseases.

Eating garlic on an empty stomach may treat colds, but there are no studies that show this. Garlic is an antibiotic and stimulates blood circulation.

It protects the bladder from diseases. It increases the activity of the liver and strengthens it to expel toxins from the blood. One of the benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach for 6 months daily regularly is that it treats bone fractures, and works to strengthen bones, especially in children. Antiseptic for the mouth, esophagus, gum infections, and strengthens teeth.

Eating garlic on an empty stomach expels phlegm and reduces headaches and nausea that affect the body.

Garlic can be used to intensify hair with garlic and treat alopecia, and garlic oil has health and beauty benefits, and garlic helps treat impotence, by eating 5 cloves of garlic or you can mix it with pure ghee daily, chewing five cloves of garlic and drinking milk in the morning. This recipe helps to cure infertility in women, as garlic has aphrodisiac properties.

Prevention of cancer One of the benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach is that it fights the growth of cancer cells in the body, because it contains dialyl, which fights the formation of cancer cells in the breast. It helps the body to increase the secretion of enzymes that discourage cancer cells in the body.

The American National Institute found, by conducting animal experiments, that it resists the growth of cancer cells, and prevents the deposition of chemicals in the blood that cause tumors in the body, such as liver cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, lactoblastoma, bladder, esophageal, lung, stomach cancer and skin cancer. In short, one of the benefits of eating garlic On an empty stomach is to strengthen the immune system to fight cancer cells

Benefits of garlic on an empty stomach and diabetes One clove of garlic helps improve blood sugar, recent studies have indicated that garlic lowers the level of glucose in the blood, which helps reduce cholesterol.

The study was conducted on animals with diabetes and proved that it lowers the level of fats in the blood. However, such studies did not prove their validity on humans, but a drug such as metformin, which contains garlic oil, proved that it reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood through experiments. Patients because it improves the level of insulin in the blood.

Benefits of garlic for migraine treatment One of the benefits of eating garlic every morning as soon as you wake up is that it reduces head pain such as headaches and migraines, you can chew a garlic clove or squeeze garlic and extract its water and put two drops of it in the nostril, or mash it and apply it on the forehead or neck to pull the pain.

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