“If you have a head… come push me”, the OSFP response

by time news

Dimitris Giannakopoulos posted his Instagram story against Giorgos Bartzokas after the derby between Panathinaikos AKTOR and Olympiakos at OAKA, in which the “greens” won 77-71 and had terrible tensions in the finale.

“We are waiting to find out what the authorities are going to do about the scumbag who causes every match under the tolerance of the EEC. We gave you ten chances to comply with good sport, but you prefer to do your own thing… I’ll send you back to the parking lot.

When you beat us and left OAKA sending kisses, no one bothered you… Now that you’re going to eat one p0y1s@ after another I see you getting irritated more often… Unless someone comes along to… take you back the right to practice a profession.

The next time you come to curse and push me if you have the guts… not to Aronis who has served basketball with respect for 40 years, laugh!”, the strong man of the “green” KAE wrote in his story.

Giannakopoulos: “Are you all so depraved? I made mistakes, I apologized, will anyone punish this little man?”

Dimitris Giannakopoulos a little later expressed the strong complaints he has from the EEC (and from the arbitration), asking for the punishment of Giorgos Bartzokas. “And for those of you who tell me about me and what I have done in the past once again: firstly I have been punished too many times, paying endless money, not being able to go to the stadium, being publicly disgraced because I made mistakes.

I’ve apologized publicly a billion times, I’m doing it. So will anyone punish this little man? Why do you know that you become co-responsible, from the prime minister, from the minister, from the president of ESAKE, from the institution of the president of the EEC. None of you guys? Are you all that depraved? There is supposed to be a national effort against violence.

This ridiculous? Do you remember Mr. Dimitriadis, Mr. Avgenakis making a huge fight to get Mr. Liolios out. because Mr. Vasilakopoulos didn’t… I believe you saw the match yesterday. What do you have to say. Everything ok with EEC? Everything okay with Barzokas, everything is fine? Will these be the refs’ odds in every game? Once may not be good… Three wins in Greece and two wins for Olympiacos abroad.

You know there in EEC huh? Seeing all the steps Panathinaikos is taking as a whole, if you care about good basketball, I thought you would change your mind. I expected there to be backlash. Now I’m convinced… that you don’t care about anything. You are interested in taking revenge on Panathinaikos because you think Vasilakopoulos and blah blah. The masks have fallen.”

KAE Olympiacos: “We believe that the State will finally stop him, instead of granting him the largest and most modern stadium in the country”

KAE Olympiacos responded in turn to what the strong man of KAE Panathinaikos said, asking Dimitris Giannakopoulos to “stop provoking more and inciting violence”.

“We call the well-known “parker”, the one who likes to curse his team, its players and its fans, who likes to threaten referees (Greek and foreign), athletes (current and former), the Prime Minister and the Ministers, the President of the EEC and the President of the Euroleague, who leaves underwear on the benches, who wishes for deaths, who endangers his fellow citizens by defying the KOK, who threatens Gods and Demons every day, to stop provoking more and urging violence.

We believe that the State will use the new sports law she created for these behaviors to stop him at last, instead of giving him the largest and most modern indoor stadium in the country, creating conditions of unfair competition or changing the laws to satisfy him. That’s enough”.

The “eternal” derby was full of tense scenes in the finale, as Kostas Sloukas reportedly told Giorgos Bartzokas “who, who?” and the Greek technician, during his statements to ERT, answered “he”!

The stance of KAE Panathinaikos AKTOR

Panathinaikos AKTOR reacted after Olympiakos’ announcement. The “greens” state that… Bartzokism has no place in Greek basketball.

See the announcement:

KAE Panathinaikos AKTOR and its fans will continue to lead with actions in the National effort of society and the Government against violence.

We could cite hundreds of incidents from the past, such as the waters of CSKA and the innumerable stoppages of matches in the SEF, to demonstrate the level differences, but the page must be irrevocably turned for everyone and with everyone.

And it will come back no matter how much it sucks. Bartzokism has no place in Greek basketball in 2024. Everyone sees it, everyone knows it. For the rest, we only ahead. Only up. New peaks await. “Being the judge of other people’s lives is the perfect excuse not to analyze your own.”

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