“If you want attention, buy a jumpsuit”

by time news

He Donana natural park It has caused a direct clash between the central government and the Junta de Andalucía. PP and Vox intend to approve an autonomous law to regularize the irrigation of almost a thousand illegal hectares in the park’s surroundings.

At the moment, Doñana’s situation is critical. The marshes are dry and, with this standard, irrigators could draw water from aquifers. The central government warns of the risk, while the Andalusian government says that it would only be irrigated with surface water.

“From his little corner and his arrogance as a gentleman, he is doing immense damage”

“From his little corner and his arrogance as a gentleman, he is doing immense, immense damage to the people of Huelva, Andalusia, Doñana and the whole of Spain,” he said. Teresa RiberaThird Vice President of the Government.

A few words from Ribera that were addressed to Juanma Moreno and to which the president of the Junta de Andalucía has responded that “it seems to me enormously frivolous to say that those who have allowed the aquifers to be violated are going to defend Doñana.” To which he added that “for years and years they have had competition, and continue to have competition, the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation.”

Anger in the Andalusian Parliament

With the contrary opinion of scientists, ecologists and even the European Union, Andalusia has taken this Wednesday the first step for that future irrigation law. A process that has begun with anger in the Andalusian Parliament.

Maribel Moradeputy of Adelante Andalucía, has gone directly to the seat of Juanma Moreno with a glass full of sand, which he has referred to as “a little bit of water from Doñana”, and he has thrown it over the top. A gesture with which the deputy wanted to denounce that, if the Andalusian PP and Vox bill goes ahead, the national park is going to dry up to the point of become “a desert”.

This attitude, however, has not pleased the president of the Parliament of Andalusia, jesus aguirre (PP-A), which has reproached Maribel Mora that her behavior has been “very wrong” while she has scolded her for her “lack of education”.

You must drop your face in shame“, the parliamentary president began by saying before asking him for “a little favor and dignity, and not mock this Chamber, which is what he has done”. And the thing did not stop there: “If what you want is attract attention, buy yourself a jumpsuit”

Confrontation between Moncloa and the Andalusian Government

The controversy has Moncloa directly confronted with the Andalusian Government: “This causes damage that is going to be very difficult to repair”, stated Teresa Ribera. “Arrogance of a gentleman who shoots with king’s powder”.

Some attacks against the president of Andalusia to which other ministers of the socialist wing have joined, such as Maria Jesus Montero, Minister of Finance: “Moreno Bonilla has become a denier.” And Félix Bolaños, Minister of the Presidency: “The Popular Party appears to be out of control.”

For his part, the president of the Junta defends himself and has expressed that “nobody is going to defend the Doñana park more than we do, we consider an impregnable jewel y has the maximum legal protectionIn addition, he wanted to return the reproach: “Not once has the Government of Spain called us to negotiate.”

The Board justifies its plan: provide surface water to farmers without “harming” the natural space of Doñana. With all the opposition against it, the irrigation law proposal has already passed the first debate.

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