If your car is stolen, how much does the insurance pay you?

by time news

Part of the news these days has focused on Operation Carback, an international macro-operation coordinated by Interpol and Frontex. Its members stole 1,185 vehicles (cars, trucks and motorcycles worldwide) in two weeks for a total value of about 35 million euros; They also stole pieces to sell them on the black market. This situation has led many drivers to consider the following: if their car is stolen, how much does their insurer pay them?

Theft coverage is included as standard in all-risk policies and also in extended third-party insurance. As reported Successwith it the car is protected from theft (misappropriation with force), from theft (illegal removal without force) and from the damage that can occur in an attempt (when, for example, the lock is forced even if nothing is stolen).

the value of the car

If your car is stolen, it doesn’t show up and you have to buy another: how much money will your insurer give you? The key lies in the value that appears in your insurance coverage: venal or new. Depending on which one is included, they will pay you what it cost you when you bought it or just a part.

The market value It is the value that the vehicle had before the theft occurred, that is, the value it would have for sale. To obtain it, the lists with the official prices are used, which are periodically published in the Official State Gazette (BOE). That figure is influenced by the brand, the model, its age, its characteristics, the extras… although not the mileage or maintenance. The older the car, the lower its market value. The new value is what the vehicle had when it left the dealership with its first registration.

Keep in mind that the value included in your policy will have effect on the final price Of the same. And it will not be the only factor that influences: the brand, the area in which you live and the place where you park the vehicle are also taken into account.

car extras

There are many drivers who add extra equipment to the car that has an additional cost. They are covered? Only if you have declared them specifically when taking out the insurance: keep in mind that this movement can increase the final price of the policy. However, there are companies that do include them when they are original and have been assembled at the factory.

And in case of theft?

Most of the insurances that have theft coverage include theft, where the crime is committed without force: it happens, for example, if they take your car keys without you knowing and take it away. In this case you should pay attention to gross negligence because it is what they usually exclude. What situations are you referring to? When you leave the car running with the keys on… and it is stolen.

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