If your spring fever gets particularly severe… Replenish protein in your blood

by times news cr

2024-04-10 18:28:22

‘Albumin’, the guardian angel of health
Protein made in the liver… Helps circulation by maintaining blood concentration
Acts as a nutrient-waste messenger… Good for immunity by eliminating fatigue substances

Getty Images Korea

As interest in health increases, eating good nutrients is becoming more important. Among them, the hidden hero that protects the health of our bodies is albumin. Albumin is produced in the liver and travels throughout the body through the blood, performing many important tasks.

Albumin is one of the proteins found in abundance in the blood and plays a very large and important role in our body. Its most important role is to maintain constant blood concentration. This allows blood to circulate well.

Albumin also acts as a messenger transporting fat, hormones, and nutrients. It takes away toxins and waste products that are harmful to our body and delivers them to the liver so that they can be disposed of.

Typically, albumin levels of 3.5 to 5.2 g/dl are considered normal. If it falls below this, malnutrition, liver disease, kidney disease, etc. are suspected. Conversely, if the level is too high, there is a risk of dehydration or certain cancers. Therefore, it is very important to maintain good albumin levels. To achieve this, you must eat plenty of protein-rich foods. Foods such as lean meat, fish, eggs, and beans are good. Be sure to eat vegetables and fruits to fill up on vitamins and minerals.

Alcohol, cigarettes, and stress can damage the liver and interfere with albumin production. It is best to avoid it as much as possible. Regular exercise also helps. However, you must be careful because exercising too hard can reduce albumin.

Sometimes doctors prescribe albumin injections or IV medication. However, this is only a temporary solution and not a fundamental solution. This is because albumin injected by injection quickly disappears through urine.

So these days, people say it is better to take albumin supplements. This is because it is well absorbed in the intestines and helps the liver produce more albumin. It will be especially helpful for patients with liver disease, kidney failure, or those undergoing cancer treatment.

The importance of albumin is emphasized not only in the medical field but also in the defense field. Starting in 2023, the Military Manpower Administration has included an albumin concentration test in the physical examination for conscription. This is because albumin is recognized as one of the main indicators for evaluating physical health. In order to perform military service, a healthy body is essential, but abnormal albumin levels can interfere with the performance of military service, such as decreased liver function and malnutrition.

Of course, albumin supplements are not all-purpose. You need to consult with your doctor about how much and how to eat. Also, just taking albumin supplements does not mean you will become healthy. The most important thing is to take good care of your diet and lifestyle habits.

These days, scientists are also conducting research on creating albumin in the field of genetic engineering.

It is said that yeast, insects, and animals are used. Albumin made this way can be safely mass-produced, alleviating concerns about disease. Soon, more people will be able to receive albumin treatment.

Albumin is also helpful in managing health according to seasonal changes. Especially in spring, many people complain of fatigue due to spring fever. Albumin is very effective in replenishing nutrients that were lacking during the winter and increasing immunity. It also helps liver function, eliminating fatigue and replenishing new energy. If you consume enough protein and pay attention to albumin management, you will be able to enjoy a refreshing spring day.

Albumin is like a guardian angel that travels to every corner of our body and protects our health. Although it is small enough to be inconspicuous, it is an indispensable and precious being. If you understand the amazing power of albumin and manage it consistently, you will be able to enjoy a healthy and vibrant life.

Don’t forget to get regular health checkups and check your albumin levels. In particular, people who are older, have old diseases, or are fighting cancer should be more careful about albumin abnormalities. If you see a change in your numbers, it is best to visit the hospital right away.

These days, scientists are also researching how to deliver drugs using albumin. If you attach a drug to albumin and send it, the effect of the drug will last longer and side effects can be reduced. Among some anticancer drugs, those packaged with albumin are used.

Albumin is used in a variety of medical situations, including severe burns, shock, and recovery from surgery. It replenishes lost blood volume and supplies oxygen and nutrients to the injured area. However, albumin preparations are still rare and expensive, so it is difficult to use them without burden. Experts agree that we need to conduct further research on albumin to find ways to use it safely and effectively.

Reporter Park Ji-hye [email protected]

2024-04-10 18:28:22

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