IFC welcomes government measures on environment and wishes to strengthen its presence in Gabon – AGP

by time news

LIBREVILLE, September 26, 2024 (AGP) – Following numerous audiences granted to investors, the President of the Transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, spoke last Wednesday with Makthar Diop, Director General of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), reports a press release from the Gabonese Presidency received by our editorial staff.

The deepening of relations between Gabon and the financial institution within the framework of the implementation of numerous structuring projects was at the center of discussions between the Gabonese Head of State and the Director General of the IFC.

Intervening in Gabon in various projects, the IFC was keen to salute the capacity of the Gabonese government to put in place environmental measures contributing to the implementation of projects such as that of palm oil production which extends over 63,000 hectares and which is the first project carried out by the company via the World Bank in this sector since 2011.

Among the projects in which the IFC is involved in Gabon, we note among others hydroelectric production and water supply, in order to largely absorb the observed electricity production deficit and implement productive growth objectives in the said sector. The company also plans to get involved in the railway sector in collaboration with the Transgabonais Operating Company (Setrag), with which a concession was made with a view to improving the mobility of goods.

Furthermore, the IFC wishes to strengthen its presence on the ground by working in a sustained manner with the Gabonese authorities and companies, as well as foreign investors, it is indicated.


2024-09-26 10:49:12

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