IGA: The advantages of business intelligence explained to businesses 2024-03-11 07:43:06

by time news

DIG/ For its fourth training seminar marking the start of its activities for the year 2024, the Gabonese Institute of Administrators (IGA) spoke to its members on Wednesday March 6, 2024 in Libreville on several themes.

During this meeting, the members of the IGA addressed questions related to with economic intelligence and corporate governance as a growth accelerator.

For the first theme, it was the president of the IGA, Henri-Claude Oyima who, for more than an hour, focused on economic intelligence. In a room made up of administrators, the CEO of the BGFIbank group gave the fundamentals of this theme.

“Business intelligence is a process that consists of giving business leaders the tools that allow them to measure and understand the global environment. Because a company is assets, resources, objectives and direction.

Clearly, you must understand that business intelligence allows you to control information, because it gives you a better vision of your business”, he explained.

Subsequently, Odile Bocandé Koffi, founder of the coaching firm OBK Performance, reviewed corporate governance based on practical data.

During her exchange with the administrators, the speaker did not fail to invite the members of the IGA to equip themselves with technical and professional tools for better knowledge and management of the market.

Also, the executive secretary of the IGA, Huguette Oyini took advantage of this seminar to develop the training program of the year in 2024 with the support of the Stratex firm.

“The year 2024 promises to be even richer and more edifying with a new range of programs aimed at strengthening and deepening the actions we have carried out at this stage.

Our primary objective is to establish exemplary corporate governance, thus placing our companies on the path to success and prosperity”, she said.

2024-03-11 07:43:06

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