III Black People Seminar of Ceará brought debate about 20 years of affirmative actions

by time news

2023-11-01 16:28:14

Os 20 years of affirmative actions: resistance, justice and the struggle for implementation was the theme of this year’s third edition of Black People Seminar in Ceará, an event that took place on October 26th, at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and the State University of Ceará (UECE). The University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab) is one of the institutions supporting the Seminar.

The main objective of the meeting was to discuss the persistent challenges for the implementation of affirmative actions in education, due to the lack of full application of the teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture in schools, as well as the maintenance and improvement of the quota policy for inclusion of black populations in higher education and the job market, with heteroidentification as its main control mechanism.

The Affirmative Action and Education Forum for Ethnic-Racial Relations in Higher Education in the State of Ceará is currently responsible for organizing the Black and Black Seminars in Ceará, this year updated to Black People Seminar in Ceará. This group is an articulation formed by institutional representations, associations, social movements and individuals (researchers, academic and popular, who work with African, indigenous, black, quilombola and other traditional peoples themes),


Forum meeting, 2023 edition. Postgraduate Health Program Room, at UECE. Photo: Arilson dos Santos Gomes.

On the afternoon of October 26th, the biannual meeting of the Affirmative Action and Education Forum for Ethnic-Racial Relations in Higher Education in the State of Ceará was held. With the presence of researchers interested in implementing and strengthening public policies to promote racial equality, the afternoon was a presentation of the regulations and reflection.

Photo from the closing of the Forum Meeting, 2023 edition/ Postgraduate Program in Health Room, at UECE. Photo: Arilson dos Santos Gomes

In the Uece Rectory auditorium, the official opening table took place, coordinated by Jaqueline Rabelo. They joined the table and welcomed the public Zelma Madeira, secretary of Racial Equality; Lúcia Simão, founder of the União e Consciência Negra Group – Grucon do Ceará; Sérgio Granja, from the Racial Equality Coordination; and Arilson dos Santos Gomes, representative of the Forum.

Photo of the opening of the III Seminar, 2023 edition, in the Rectory auditorium at UECE / Fortaleza. Photo: Arilson dos Santos Gomes

On the occasion, there was also a table entitled 20 years of Law 10,639/03which was attended by Matilde Ribeiro (Unilab), Zuleide Queirós (URCA), Reginaldo Domingues (UFCA) and Joelma Gentil (MNU/SMED Fortaleza – National Campaign to enforce the Law).

Photo of the table 20 years of Law 10.639/03 of the III Seminário Povos Negros do Ceará, 2023 edition, at UECE, Fortaleza/ Photo: Arilson dos Santos Gomes

During the break, there were musical presentations, performances and poetry readings, with Guida Santos, Camila Santos and Matilde Ribeiro.

Photo cultural performance at the III Seminário Povos Negros do Ceará, 2023 edition, at UECE / Photo: Arilson dos Santos Gomes.

The other table, held at night, was about Quotas and Heteroidentification and was attended by Kellynia Farias Alves (CED/UECE), Cristiane Sousa (IFCE) and Arilson dos Santos Gomes (Unilab). The Forum had debates, meetings, reflections and proposals in order to evaluate 20 years of affirmative actions.

Closing photo of the III Seminar Black People of Ceará, 2023 edition. Zuleide Queirós, Matilde Ribeiro, Lúcia Simão and Joelma Gentil /Photo: Arilson dos Santos Gomes

Around 80 people attended and worked to hold the Seminar, including UECE employees and partner entities Unilab, UFC, UVA, UECE, UFCA, IFCE, GRUNEC, ADUFC, SINDUECE, Grupo de Estudos Caldeirão anti-colonial confluences, FETAMCE, SINDURCA and ANDES.

Closing photo of the III Black Peoples of Ceará Seminar, 2023 edition, at UECE Fortaleza / Photo: Arilson dos Santos Gomes.


The first Seminar, entitled Black and Black Seminar in Ceará: writings, activism and societyand took place at URCA, from August 6th to 8th, at the Salão de Atos, Pimenta campus. The second Black and Black Seminar in Ceará: rebellion of the jangadeiros – 140 years: Affirmative Actions, Quotas and Re-existences took place on the 25th, 26th and 27th of August 2021. Virtually, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the seminar was organized by the Interdisciplinary Academic Masters in History and Letters of the Faculty of Education, Sciences and Letters of Sertão Central ( FECLESC/UECE).

#III #Black #People #Seminar #Ceará #brought #debate #years #affirmative #actions

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