Iker Jiménez, Minister of Science

by time news

2023-06-18 09:40:49

The real change in the cycle of Spanish politics is not that the right now governs, but that a bullfighter is made Minister of Culture. The Popular Party yesterday seized dozens of mayors from the Socialist Party in alliance with Vox and after the general elections on July 23 it will do the same in several autonomous communities. Will Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz manage to preserve the Government of Spain from conservative tsunami? They have only one month and five days ahead of them to convince modern Spain to go to the polls en masse to stop anti-modern Spain.

Alone, the PP is for many people a disturbing but not dangerous party, the left-wing voter is annoyed, upset or uneasy but not afraid. However, in the company of Vox it can become a lethal weapon for the democratic machinery and the moral health of the State. A bullfighter has entered the Generalitat of Valencia because an abuser has been left out due to the rejection of the PP, although the question remains as to whether Feijóo stood up out of ethical imperative or electoral fear, out of embarrassment at losing decency or out of fear to lose the votes that can make him president on 23-J. If the PP has made a bullfighter Minister of Culture, why shouldn’t they make a strawberry farmer from Huelva Minister of the Environment or Minister of Science of a motorcycle salesman from beyond like Iker Jiménez?

jews and gentiles

Certainly, it has always been difficult for the right to find names in the world of culture that are sympathetic to its cause. His hoaxes, attacks and contempt for Spanish cinema come from that impotence, from that cultural inferiority complex which in turn is connected to the well-known moral inferiority complex with respect to the left, since it is not in vain that it proclaims like Saint Paul that Jews and Gentiles are all equal while the right, although it poses as a Christian, maintains that the rich they are better than the poor and he works accordingly, not legislating directly against the poor but in favor of the rich, convinced that such laws will make them richer and the poor will be able to benefit from their obscene prosperity.

Valencia and Andalusia are not two different currencies, but the two sides of the same. It is not that the Andalusian president Juan Manuel Moreno did not agree with Vox because he is a moderate politician, but rather that he is a moderate politician because he has not agreed with Vox. Moreno can boast of being a moderate because he has not had to agree with Vox to govern. He is moderated by necessity, not by virtue. His sincere or false, real or supposed moderation is due to the fact that on June 22, 2022 he achieved a resounding absolute majority that allowed him to dispense with the ultras; Not being a man of inflexible ideological convictions, if the results that took place on May 28 in the Valencian Community had taken place a year ago in Andalusia, Moreno would undoubtedly have followed in the footsteps of Carlos Mazón and who knows, the vice president of the Board and Minister of Culture could have been today, let’s say, the singer of tonadillas José Manuel Soto, cultural vanguard of the ultra-right in the lands of lower Andalusia.

bullfighting is an art

Moreno’s moderation would consist in the fact that he, unlike his counterpart Mazón, would not have dared to make a bullfighter a cultural advisor. But it must also be said in defense of the Andalusian president that the current absolute majority that allows him to act as a moderate was possible precisely because he practiced during the first term a certain restraint that his parliamentary alliance with Vox failed to undermine. Those of Abascal ended the legislature convinced of having done the cinnamon by inaugurating a guy who spent almost the entire legislature fighting them, although he was very well assisted in the task, yes, by his swordsman Elías Bendodo, El Niño de la Malagueta .

Now, to each his own. Valencia can’t compete with Andalusia in the sublime if somewhat gory art of Cúchares. Where a Morante de la Puebla or a Francisco Rivera Ordóñez is put, let poor Vicente Barrera take off. In the National History of Bullfighting, the name of the first two is written in blood-colored neon letters whose glow can be seen from any point on the bull skin, no matter how far away it is from the Maestranza in Seville, while that of the brand new Vice President of the Generalitat is just a little candle flickering in some modest hermitage in the Valencian mountains. In bullfighting, there are classes and classes. As there are in life. And let’s not say in politics.

#Iker #Jiménez #Minister #Science

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