Il Nuovo Giornale Web – Pianura Veronese

by time news

Four decades have passed since the release of “1950”, a masterpiece of Italian author music signed and performed by Amedeo Minghi. An anniversary that the artist celebrates with the theater tour “40 years since 1950”, which began on March 26 at the Teatro Verdi in Florence. Special guest of the Florentine date (and the upcoming Milanese one) Mietta.

the concert at the Teatro Salieri, the only date in Veneto, scheduled for Friday 12 April at 8.45 pm, and which already promises to be sold out, is promoted and organized by the very president, volcanic “France” Salvatore, of the Amici di don Walter in collaboration with the City of Legnago Municipality, Teatro Salieri and Salieri Extra, as well as numerous sponsors. Speaking of Salvatore, his book edited by Francesco Occhi, presented on Monday 18 March at the Salus theater “Una vita da Presidente”, is still fresh off the press.

Minghi presents for the first time some unreleased songs that will be included in the new album, out next autumn. Among these is “Non c’è vento Tonight” (on the NAR International label), which has already been available on the main digital stores and on the radio since March 15th.

Minghi had been missing from the scene for four years and during the brief preview of the tour last summer, he was welcomed by the public with great enthusiasm. Now, with his new theatrical tour, the artist wanted to place ‘his’ love story with music at the center of the narrative, the ‘Serenella’ of refined beauty which represents him more than any of his other songs and with which he managed to imprint in the collective memory an Italy between war and rebirth.

With “40 years since 1950” Minghi pays homage to his most poetic and evocative work, of poignant melody, with which he was able to masterfully paint – together with Gaio Chiocchio – the moment of transition of our country from the suffering of war to the joy of liberation and the hope of a new life. A masterpiece that she was able to wait for before seeing its rightful place recognized in Italian authorial music.

«Nine events to celebrate the now legendary Serenella of ‘1950’, who has passed the milestone of 40 years – comments Amedeo Minghi – The tour coincides with the next distribution of my new album due out in autumn and preceded in the meantime by ‘Non c’è wind tonight’. As always, life and its implications are the protagonist of the new work: dreamlike, passionate, ironic, frightened, solemn, amused, poignant and more. A new chapter to add to our common history.”

Naturally “40 years since 1950” will also be a journey through the many successes that have characterized Minghi’s very long career and which have made him loved by the public: from “La vita mia” and “L’immenso”, a song with which he also climbed the international rankings; to “Cantare è d’amore”, presented at the Sanremo Festival in 1996, and “Vattene Amore”, perhaps the song best known to the general public, sung together with Mietta at Sanremo in 1990. Iconic songs that have left their mark on the history of our songwriting.

Minghi will go on stage accompanied by a string sextet and a band composed of Luca Perroni on piano, Giandomenico Anellino on guitar, Alessandro Mazza on bass, Stefano Marazzi on drums, and the voices of Rosy Messina and Giordano Spadafora.
Composer, songwriter, arranger and producer, Amedeo Minghi has been able to traverse the history of Italian music with original coherence and mastery. Visionary and multifaceted author, interpreter of authentic musical jewels for narrative intensity, during his long artistic activity halfway between different musical genres, he has strung together success after success; wrote soundtracks for TV, cinema and theatre; For many of his colleagues he composed numerous hits and created projects. Always letting himself be guided by an immeasurable love for music, which is the true center of his life


21 March – APRILIA (LT), Teatro Europa (zero date)
26 March – FLORENCE Teatro Verdi
31 March – ISERNIA Auditorium Unità d’Italia
12 April – LEGNAGO (VR) Salieri Theatre
13 April – MILAN Arcimboldi Theatre
14 April – ALESSANDRIA Teatro Alessandrino
22 April – NAPLES Diana Theatre
23 April – LECCE Apollo Theatre
28 April – SENIGALLIA La Fenice Theatre

info and reservations: 328 1489895 – 32?4 0930775 – 346 6616089

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