Il Tempo della Salute from 10 to 13 November. In Milan and online-

by time news
from Luigi Ripamonti

Over 30 events and courses, with more than 80 guests from the world of medicine, research, assistance, sport, entertainment and culture

From Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th November «Il Tempo della Salute» returns, an event organized by Corriere della Sera – Corriere Salute, now in its fourth edition. Over 30 meetings are planned, which will take place at Museum of Science and Technology of Milan and will also be broadcast live streaming on and on the social channels of the Corriere della Sera
. The topics covered will touch on research, new treatments and prevention of the most important and widespread diseases, but also the environment, nutrition, assistance, sport, psychology.

Vaccines, Covid, flu

Already on the first day, the theme of the trials conducted on vaccines against Covid-19 will be addressed: have the necessary guarantees been respected or have we all participated in a gigantic experimentation? Speaking of Covid, the situation and prospects will be discussed with the new variants, but the point will also be made on the validity of the tests on the market and on the characteristics of this year’s influence.


Much space will be dedicated to nutrition, with moments of in-depth analysis on eating disorders but also on the risks of rapid diets. Environment We cannot talk about health without talking about the environment: several talks will focus on issues relating to pollution (including domestic pollution) and on a vision of health that takes into account the whole ecosystem, including the animal one.

Prevention and treatment

And if prevention also derives from maintaining a healthy environment, individual prevention is based first of all on personal choices that depend on correct information. Just as correct and reasoned information can explain the real potential made available to the most advanced therapies, especially in the field of the most widespread and / or serious pathologies, from those of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, gastrointestinal systems and related tumors, including those of the vessels and lymphatic system. Among other things, the theme of advanced therapies is intertwined with the new care needs that produce their effects, as for example in the case of Sma.

Translational research

But advanced therapies cannot be achieved without research, in particular the translational one, the one that brings innovation from the laboratory table to the patient’s bed, and which has its natural bed in large hospital centers structured together with a university body. It will be an opportunity to compare this type of experience in its declination both abroad, in particular in the United States, and in Italy.

Stomach and cervical pain

In all this there will also be an opportunity to address issues that traditionally concern everyone, such as stomach or neck pain. Viewers in the room On the stage of the Science Museum in Milan, technologies will also be the master, with a robotic arm for rehabilitation, rescue robot dogs and viewers to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques.

Relationship with the doctor

We will talk about telemedicine and artificial intelligence, but also about humanization “in the presence” of the treatments and it will be demonstrated how words (not only those of the doctor) can “really” hurt.

The Catholics and the Dat

Among the ethical issues, an important one is that relating to the Advance treatment provisions. The topic will be addressed by trying to clarify what the position of a believer may be in the face of this possibility.


Once again this year, Il Tempo della Salute will host important exponents from the world of music, television and entertainment. Between them: Fedezartist and entrepreneur; Giulia SalemiTV presenter and influencer; Antonio FantinParalympic swimming champion; Elisa De Franciscamulti-medaled Olympian and world champion in foil; Mike Maricworld champion and freediving coach; Lisa Migliorini, runner and influencer. Their presence is not ancillary or cosmetic. Even in previous editions, the testimonials who made themselves available to participate played a very important role, especially for those who, for various reasons, are not inclined to deal with prevention or, trivially, with their health in general. Among these, of course, above all the young and the very young, for whom well-known personalities “without shirts” can exercise a powerful attractive power, which can become an opportunity to acquire valuable information that otherwise they probably would not have sought.

November 7, 2022 (change November 7, 2022 | 19:13)

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