Ilioupoli: Brutal crime – Mother and son dead from gunshots in an apartment

by time news

The EL.AS officers in Ilioupoli are faced with a brutal crime as on Wednesday night (10/4) a woman was found dead in a 1st floor apartment 60 years old as well as her son, approx 36 years old.

According to the first information from EL.AS sources. the two people suffered gunshot wounds on the head, while one was found in the area, away from the bodies carbine with the police investigating whether it is the crime weapon. The son was found dead in bed, while his mother was in a chair. The house bore traces of disturbance.

As the same sources explained, the two bodies were noticed from the smell as a result of which a locksmith was called and the police found themselves in front of the hideous sight.


The investigation into the circumstances under which a mother and son were fatally shot is in full swing. Information states that they were seen in the neighborhood since last Thursday.

Officers have focused their attention on a back door of the home as well as the windows to see if there is a break-in and if a third party entered the home, committed the crime and left without being noticed by the neighbors.

According to information, the father-husband is not alive.

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