Ille-et-Vilaine: three deaths after food poisoning in an nursing home

by time news

2023-11-04 05:09:45

Food poisoning in a nursing home in Pleine-Fougères, in Ille-et-Vilaine, sickened around forty residents and left three dead, the site reports et West France this Friday evening.

Of the 69 people welcomed in the Les Marais nursing home (67 residents and 2 people in day care), “41 were sick”, indicates the Brittany Regional Health Agency cited by Ouest-France. “Three residents died in connection with this event and a fourth resident is hospitalized,” continues the ARS.

The alert about this food poisoning was launched last Tuesday after many residents reported suffering from profuse diarrhea, specifies the ARS, which indicates that it has initiated analyzes accordingly. The agency then diagnosed a “collective food poisoning infection” (TIAC).

The sick are doing better

Analyzes are also carried out using control dishes by the Departmental Directorate for Population Protection (DDPP). “All residents received medical advice. There are no new patients and the residents are clinically improving,” continues the ARS cited by Ouest-France and

According to Public health Francea “collective food poisoning infection” is diagnosed as such when at least two cases present similar symptoms and “the cause of which can be linked to the same food origin”.

The most common symptoms are gastrointestinal (“diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea…”), and can sometimes be “accompanied by fever”. “Other symptoms may also be reported such as allergic reactions or neurological manifestations,” adds SPF.

Since 2012, around 1,200 to 1,800 TIACs have been notified each year in France. They affect, on average, 10,000 to 16,000 people each year. Around 6% of cases “require hospitalization or a visit to the emergency room”.

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