Imaginary Martian life forms in newspapers 100 years ago[청계천 옆 사진관]

by times news cr

Centennial Photo No. 76 ◉ August 31, 2024

An interesting photo appeared on page 2 of the August 27, 1924 edition of the Dong-A Ilbo. However, this photo was not actually taken, but rather an illustration drawn from imagination. When I first saw this image, I couldn’t help but laugh. It was the first time I laughed out loud while working on the “100-Year Photograph” segment, and I laughed while translating the text into modern language. Let’s take a look together.

Photo of Martian life form published in the August 27, 1924 edition of the Dong-A Ilbo

The accompanying article is titled “Science on Mars: The People on Mars Are Different From Us.”

◇ Are there plants and animals on Mars? Yes, there are. There are humans who are more advanced and developed than us. There are about 180 black lines that look like canals on the surface of Mars. There are some scholars who say that there are signs that they are trying to open a communication route to Earth with strong electricity. However, they say that the black lines that are supposed to be canals are mountain ranges, and that electric communication is a groundless saying of Malkoni, so it is hard to believe that humans live on Mars. It is possible to prove that there is air and water vapor on Mars academically. However, there is no solid evidence yet to say that there are humans among the plants and animals. In any case, the existence of humans on Mars is nothing more than a question, but many people are trying to solve this question even a little, and some are even saying that they will climb the high peaks of the Alps, Jung and Purau, to communicate with strong electricity. It is still questionable how much this question will be solved this time, but it is true that the planet Mars is close to our Earth in many ways. I wrote it in a haphazard manner, so I wasted space. After writing this all down, I found out that there were foreign telegrams saying that wireless telegraph communications had been made here and there on Mars, but it is simply unbelievable. The photo is a photo of people living on Mars. The British writer, Achille G. Wells, said that people living on Mars would be like this, and the French painter, Murupier, drew it. The people living there do not look like people living on this earth, but have very large heads, scary eyes, and many legs like the tail of a snake. When they move, they slowly fly into the air. When they leave, they do not eat like people on our earth, but they only suck up the most nutritious food, and they have no digestive organs. There will be a big fight between people living on Mars and people living on this earth at any time. People living on this earth are clever, but the people living on that planet are so talented that they are scary. So there will come a day when they will come and suck our blood. However, this is a novel, so we cannot believe it.

● Movie [우주전쟁]Description of Martians in the original novelIt is a story about the possibility of plants, animals, and humans on Mars. Some scholars speculate that the black stripes on the surface of Mars may be canals, and that there may be attempts to send electrical signals from Mars to Earth.

The illustration accompanying the article was drawn by a French artist based on the imagination of British author H.G. Wells, and depicts the people living on Mars looking completely different from us (from H.G. Wells’ novel [우주전쟁](made into a movie by director Spielberg and Tom Cruise in 2005) They are described as having large heads, scary eyes, and multiple legs like snakes, and they live in a unique way, floating in the air and absorbing nutrients. It also added the imagination that someday Earthlings and Martians may fight a great war. However, the article explains that this is a fictional imagination and an unbelievable story.

This illustration is a historical document that shows the curiosity and imagination that humans had about Mars 100 years ago. Now, 100 years later, we can observe the actual appearance of Mars in detail through Mars probes and rovers. Although this type of life has not been found, research into the possibility of life on Mars continues.

● How similar are aliens depicted 100 years ago to today’s images?

But looking at that illustration, I got the feeling that it was similar to the Martians or aliens we imagine now. The large head and thin limbs compared to the body clearly have a different appearance from humans, but the round head, eyes, and mouth are similar to humans. I wonder if human imagination is not much different now than it was then, or if the aliens that someone first imagined and expressed 100 years ago are being cited as a kind of textbook.

Could it be that the images of Martians depicted in mass media in the early 20th century were imprinted on the public’s perception for a long time, and that since then, these images have been repeatedly used in movies, TV programs, and comics, and that this has solidified the idea that aliens look like this? Could this be explained by what psychology calls the primacy effect? ​​This is a psychological phenomenon in which information or images encountered for the first time have a strong influence on subsequent perceptions. This is a good example of how culturally transmitted images can have a stronger influence than scientific facts. It also seems to show the importance of science communication and how difficult it is to change public perception.

Today, we looked at alien images that were published in newspapers 100 years ago. What did you think? Please leave your thoughts in the comments. Thank you.

Reporter Byun Young-wook [email protected]

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2024-09-01 13:40:43

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