Immigration, July 14, ecology … What to remember from the Borne announcements

by time news

2023-07-08 20:01:00

The Prime Minister confided in our colleagues from Parisian in an interview published this Saturday. She looks back on her future at Matignon one week from the “100 days” granted by Emmanuel Macron, on the immigration bill, the ecological transition or even the preparations for July 14.

“Massive” security means for July 14

Elisabeth Borne promises “massive means to protect the French” during the weekend of July 14, during which the sale of fireworks mortars will be prohibited, in order to prevent new violence after those which followed the death of Nahel , killed by a policeman in Nanterre. “The means will be massive to protect the French during these two sensitive days” (July 13 and 14), says the Prime Minister. READ ALSORiots after the death of Nahel: France champion of insecurity in Europe

A decree, published on Sunday, will also prohibit the “sale”, “port” and “transport of fireworks mortars”, frequently used by the perpetrators of this violence, she announces. “Only professionals, who will organize the fireworks in the municipalities, will be able to buy them”.

Measures for the rioters and those who were victims of them

Elisabeth Borne also indicates that the emergency bill to help rebuild buildings or businesses destroyed during the riots will be presented “at the next Council of Ministers” in order to have it voted on before the suspension of the work of the Assembly and of the Senate this summer. The government will also, for individuals whose cars burned during the riots, “activate the guarantee fund for victims to allow them to be compensated”.After the riots, the slow reconstruction of public buildings

On possible sanctions for the families of young perpetrators of violence, the head of government warns that “if the existing legal framework is not sufficient, then, if necessary, we will change the law”. The government is considering in this case a specific fine for minors, on the model of the fixed fine for adults when they commit such acts. “It’s quick and efficient,” she says.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister assures that the government “is obviously not going to deprive the French of the internet because there is violence”. The government plans to “suspend functionalities”, such as geolocation, on social networks in the event of new riots, but does not intend to carry out a “generalized blackout” of the platforms, the executive had indicated. after presidential remarks that had caused controversy. READ ALSOBan social media? There is no worse idea”

A “text in the fall” about immigration

Elisabeth Borne reaffirmed the objective of “discussing a text in the fall” on immigration, for which consultations were “suspended” due to the riots in France. “The Minister of the Interior has had many exchanges with parliamentary and political leaders to move forward, but given recent events, you will understand that this has naturally been suspended,” said the Prime Minister. “We are going to take stock together and look at how to finalize these consultations. Our objective remains the same: to debate a text in the fall, ”she added. READ ALSOJustice, immigration: what is LR playing?

Asked about the attitude of the Republicans, the head of government replied: “I have spoken again with Gérard Larcher and Bruno Retailleau in recent days, they are well aware that we have to agree on a text that can be voted on in the National Assembly and the Senate.

The presidential camp holds a relative majority in the National Assembly and needs the votes of the LRs to adopt immigration reform.

An additional seven billion euros for the ecological transition

The State will mobilize an additional 7 billion euros in 2024 to double the rate of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in France and meet the objectives for 2030, announced the Prime Minister. “The State will take its share since, from next year, we will increase our contribution to the plan by 5 billion euros, beyond the 2 billion more than we had already planned”, thus “in 2024 , we will have 7 billion more than in 2023 for the financing of the ecological transition”, declared Élisabeth Borne. READ ALSOBrune Poirson: “Let’s quickly adopt the “climate dividend”! »

At the end of 2023, the government had already announced the mobilization of 2 billion euros to supply the Green Fund, intended to support the ecological projects of local authorities. “It is an unprecedented investment by the State which will be used to finance energy renovations, public transport, renewable energies and the agricultural transition”, she added, without specifying at this stage the source of this funding. which must be discussed in the Finance Bill 2024.

“It does not mean 7 billion in additional taxes, quite the contrary”, says one in his entourage, stressing that this figure corresponds to the order of magnitude of the reductions in expenditure expected from the ministries. “This is new money, which will generate a lot more because it will be used in projects co-financed by the communities” as usual, adds the entourage of the Prime Minister.

Will the Prime Minister keep her job?

Elisabeth Borne assured “to have delivered” the roadmap set by Emmanuel Macron, who gave him “100 days” in April to relaunch the action of his government, the Prime Minister refusing to comment on the growing rumors of reshuffle. “We delivered. All the projects that we had presented at the end of April in the roadmap were undertaken on the four axes, “work, republican order, health and education, declared the head of government in an interview with Parisian.

Weakened by the pension crisis but finally comforted by the president, Elisabeth Borne obtained some pledges to stay at Matignon. His confidence rating gained three points to 33% of good opinions, ahead of Emmanuel Macron (31%), at the end of the week of riots caused by the death of a teenager during a police check. READ ALSOReshuffle: Elisabeth Borne saved by the riots?

But speculation is rife about the departure of several ministers while July 14 will mark the end of the “100 days” intended to relaunch the five-year term after the pension crisis.

#Immigration #July #ecology #remember #Borne #announcements

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