Immigration Law at the Constitutional Council: Éric Ciotti calls to “respect the vote”

by time news

2023-12-22 07:36:25

“If the government’s word has no value, if Parliament’s vote has no value, what will the French think? » The day after Emmanuel Macron referred the Immigration law to the Constitutional Council, the president of the Republicans, Éric Ciotti, challenged the government at the microphone of France Inter. Saying he was “shocked”, the MP for Alpes-Maritimes believes that the government is taking risks by counting on the Council of Elders to reverse certain measures.

“The law was adopted in the Senate (with a majority on the right), in the Joint Committee and it is the result of an agreement with the Prime Minister and would we renounce this word? I told Élisabeth Borne that it was extremely dangerous,” he says.

The Prime Minister recognized on Wednesday that measures in the text could prove unconstitutional and others could be “adapted”. “I told him that his majority is more and more fragile, we must respect this vote,” urges Éric Ciotti.

The right largely contributed to strengthening the text initially desired by the government after long negotiations. In particular, it obtained the establishment of annual migration quotas and the tightening of family reunification (a foreigner must prove a length of stay of twenty-four months and a certain level of resources).

Éric Ciotti defends a reform of the Constitution on migration matters. Sébastien Chenu, vice-president of the National Rally interviewed on BFM, agrees with him on this point and pleads for a referendum. “There is a gap between the French and a certain political class on the migration issue, we must question the French,” argues the deputy from the North.

The “sedition” of the departments

On Wednesday, around thirty departments led by the left, including Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis, announced that they will not apply the Immigration law. In social matters, the departmental councils are responsible for paying the RSA and especially the personalized autonomy allowance (APA). The text plans to establish a period for foreigners before being eligible for this benefit paid to elderly people. “Are we in the Banana Republic with little local wrens? It’s sedition, castigates the Republican. Everyone must apply the law of the Republic. »

Asked about a possible influence of the RN on the text including the national preference on social benefits, the elected official from Alpes-Maritimes recognizes a common position. “I have always defended, whatever everyone’s positions, the fact that foreigners who arrive in France and do not work cannot benefit from the same rights, from the first minute, as someone who is in France For years. »

The counting of the votes of RN elected officials during the vote is at the heart of the political battle, the government constantly insisting that the bill was adopted “without the votes” of Marine Le Pen’s party. “This text is in line with what we have always said,” praises Sébastien Chenu, interviewed on BFMTV. “This law is the minimum service. (If the RN comes to power), we will go much further, particularly on social benefits. »

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