Immigration law: the hotel and catering industry wants to go further

by time news

Posted Feb 28 2023 at 11:00Updated Feb 28. 2023 at 11:40

If they do not intend to get involved in political quarrels, hotel and restaurant professionals will observe with the greatest attention the course of the immigration bill, examined from this Tuesday by the Senate Law Commission. And more particularly one of its flagship measures, which is to create a residence permit dedicated to sectors affected by a labor shortage.

Professions on the list of “jobs in tension”, the last update of which dates back to 2021, will be affected. hotel industry (Umih) and its new president Thierry Marx. “We ask that this list of occupations in tension be updated in order to open up recruitment possibilities, because our needs will increase further”, he hammered in December in “Le JDD”. This should indeed be the case, which will in particular simplify the administrative procedures.

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