Immigration: the programs of the 2022 presidential candidates

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This year again, the candidates will have spent some time dealing with the migration issue in the country. This was seen in particular during the debates of the Les Républicains Congress. But also, and above all, when Éric Zemmour decided to carry out his candidacy desires, swearing that he wanted to make this theme the sole subject of the presidential campaign. The war in Ukraine has finally reshuffled the cards, as well as the priorities of the French who have never changed, consecrating purchasing power as their priority.

Nathalie Arthaud’s proposals

  • Establish freedom of movement for migrants

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan’s proposals

  • Renegotiate the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on Immigration

Anne Hidalgo’s proposals

  • Ensuring a “dignified reception in all circumstances” for asylum seekers
  • Regularize “people without papers established in France for a long time”
  • Fight against illegal immigration
  • Reforming the Dublin system to focus on solidarity between States
  • Welcoming Ukrainian refugees in France and neighboring countries

Yannick Jadot’s proposals

  • Regularize people living in France who can provide proof of work, family life or school-going children
  • Make procedures from countries of origin more transparent and accessible
  • Offer the right to work as soon as the asylum application is filed
  • Go back to the Dublin 3 regulation
  • Renegotiating the Le Touquet agreements
  • “Playing your part” in welcoming Ukrainian refugees

Jean Lassalle’s proposals

Reinforce customs and border protection forces

Marine Le Pen’s proposals

  • Ban the regularization of foreigners in an irregular situation
  • Deport all convicted foreigners
  • Expel all foreigners who have not worked in France for more than a year
  • Penalize illegal presence and entry into French territory
  • Dealing with asylum applications from abroad
  • Renegotiate the Schengen agreements and restore border control
  • Maintain simplified procedures for EU nationals
  • Welcoming Ukrainian refugees

Emmanuel Macron’s proposals

  • Pursue the overhaul of the right to asylum and the right to stay so that decisions are taken more quickly. The refusal of the right of asylum would be worth obligation to leave the French territory
  • Condition the granting of a long-stay permit to the success of a French exam and professional success
  • Stop renewal of third-country nationals disturbing public order
  • Create a Schengen Steering Council
  • Create an emergency intergovernmental mechanism to help Frontex
  • “Playing your part” in welcoming Ukrainian refugees

Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s proposals

  • Facilitate access to visas, regularize workers, students, parents of school children
  • Introduce the ten-year residence permit as the reference residence permit
  • Put an end to the crime of solidarity
  • Ensuring a sufficient number of places in reception facilities
  • Suspend the Dublin Regulation
  • Renegotiating the Le Touquet agreements
  • Repeal the asylum and immigration law
  • Create an “environmental distress” status
  • End Frontex operations
  • Create a European civilian rescue and rescue corps at sea
  • “Playing your part” in welcoming Ukrainian refugees

Valérie Pécresse’s proposals

  • Implement annual immigration quotas
  • Force immigrants who have returned illegally to be deported, by stepping up the chartering of charter planes
  • Suspend the issuance of new entry visas to nationals of countries that refuse to issue consular laissez-passer for their illegal nationals
  • Deport rejected asylum seekers within two months
  • Reduce social assistance allocations for asylum seekers
  • Processing asylum applications from abroad
  • Systematize border control of all entering European territory
  • Recruit 10,000 Frontex border guards
  • Welcoming Ukrainian refugees able to justify their status

Philippe Poutou’s proposals

  • Establish freedom of movement for migrants.
  • Regularize all undocumented migrants.

Fabien Roussel’s proposals

  • Close administrative detention centers
  • Guarantee asylum to refugees
  • Denouncing the Le Touquet agreements
  • Denounce the Dublin 3 regulation
  • Redefining Frontex’s missions
  • Welcoming Ukrainian refugees

Eric Zemmour’s proposals

  • Create a ministry of remigration
  • Introduce an offense of illegal stay, expel all foreign nationals guilty of having committed this offense
  • Expel all foreigners who have not worked for more than six months
  • Limit the right to asylum “to a handful of individuals per year”
  • Processing asylum applications from abroad
  • Limit asylum to people from countries with a land or sea border with France
  • Reforming the Schengen area
  • Create border guard posts with military status posted at national borders
  • Help Poland financially to host Ukrainian refugees on a massive scale
  • Welcoming Ukrainian refugees with ties to France (position changed during the campaign)

Methodology: for each of your answers, our simulator gives you more or less points compared to each candidate. At the end of the questionnaire, we offer you a list of candidates, starting with the one with whom you have the most points of agreement on all the questions asked. This “ranking” is obviously to be taken as an indication, given that it is not exhaustive, even if we have ensured the variety of questions. To give you a definitive opinion, we invite you in particular to consult all the programs of the candidates. You can find them here or on official sites.

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