Impact of Hate-Motivated Attacks on Jewish Communities in America

by time news

Hate crimes and antisemitism on the rise: Jews in America face new reality of fear and retaliation

In the wake of the recent war between Israel and Hamas, Jews in America are facing a surge in hate crimes and antisemitism that has left many feeling unsafe and fearful. CNN recently spoke to members of the Jewish community to hear their stories of how they are navigating this new reality of being targeted for their religious identity.

Melissa Franklin, a mother from Phoenix, Arizona, has made the difficult decision not to decorate her home for Hanukkah this year out of fear of retaliation. She shared her concerns about the safety of her college-aged children, urging them to hide anything that represents their Jewish identity, including their Star of David necklaces and her son’s Hebrew tattoo. Franklin also expressed her uneasiness about attending Jewish community events or her synagogue, despite increased security measures in place.

Michael Edelman, a recent graduate of Yeshiva University, echoed Franklin’s fears, saying that he now wears a hat over his kippah, a head covering traditionally worn by Jewish men, due to concerns about being targeted in public. He also shared how the images of the Israel-Hamas war have left him so anxious that he has struggled to focus on finding a job.

Elliot Malin, a political consultant from Reno, Nevada, made the difficult decision to remove his Star of David necklace after experiencing verbal harassment at a pro-Palestine rally. He also shared that his family is considering removing their Mezuzah, a sacred scroll that blesses a home, from their doorpost due to safety concerns.

These stories reflect the widespread fear among Jewish Americans, as the Anti-Defamation League reported 312 antisemitic incidents across the United States in the first 17 days after the Hamas attack on Israel. This surge in hate has forced many in the Jewish community to alter their daily routines and reconsider their public displays of Jewish identity out of fear of retaliation.

As antisemitism continues to rise, it is essential for communities to stand in solidarity against hate and work towards creating a safer, more inclusive society for all. The impact of these hate-motivated attacks on Jews in America serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle for religious tolerance and acceptance in the country.

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