Improvements needed on the assignment of teachers to avoid a shortage of teachers

by time news

The shortage of teachers is not inevitable. For the National Education mediator, Catherine Becchetti-Bizot, there are ways to attract new candidates and avoid defections. “If we want to keep teachers in their jobs, to have motivated candidates, it is not by imprisoning them in academies that we will succeed in retaining them,” she explains to AFP.

Difficulties related to the assignment and mobility processes represent a significant proportion of referrals to mediation by staff: “they constitute 17% of their complaints, i.e. nearly 600 referrals for the year 2021 (a slight decline compared to the previous year)”, underlines the report released on Monday.

This report echoes the shortage of teachers that is looming at the start of the next school year, particularly in Ile-de-France, in schools, colleges and high schools. More than 4,000 positions have not been filled this year in teacher competitions. National Education will therefore call, even more this year, on contract teachers. But according to the mediator, “we will have to think about changing this status, so that it is more decent”.

Fulfillment at work

More generally, according to Catherine Becchetti-Bizot, “fulfilment at work (and therefore the motivation of teachers) is linked to multiple factors: place of employment, possibility of mobility, recognition and career advancement, and well-being at work “.

“Being away from or separated from your spouse or children for too long, not being able to take care of an aging or disabled parent (…) are renewed sources of suffering and demotivation that can have harmful repercussions on the careers of people (periods of availability, repeated work stoppages, loss of years of contribution for retirement), but also, in the longer term, on the balance of the education system (lack of attractiveness, resignations)”, continues the report. . However, “the current methods of assigning personnel constitute, in many cases, an obstacle to a chosen functional or geographical mobility”, adds this report.


The most affected are the staff who joined the National Education late, and who “are treated exactly like young people who have just passed the competition,” says Catherine Becchetti-Bizot. “Their seniority and their family situation” are not integrated into the scale, notes the mediator.

Thus, the report recommends “to take greater account of the skills acquired and the previous careers of those who have made the wish to join the National Education, and above all to be able to retain and retain these personnel whose diversified careers can only enrich their new professional practice”.

It also recommends to “better attract skills and promote incoming mobility”, to “identify and promote the careers of teachers with senior profiles and provide a response to the problem of their recruitment”.

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