The IT sector, and especially the business software sector, shows intense mobility, despite international pressures and geopolitical uncertainty, as well as technological developments that, especially in software production, can significantly affect a company.

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According to industry companies’ estimates, digital transformation projects focusing on e-invoicing, digital health card, adoption of all-in-one solutions to meet the regulatory needs of mandatory POS interface are raising the bar of industry companies’ expectations for spending on technology solutions on the part of their client businesses and driving collaborations, acquisitions and mergers in the industry.

Based on the data of the companies, a high demand for integrated information systems is expected in the Greek public sector and in the international markets, significant growth is predicted in the Internet of Things (IoT) market, with an annual growth rate of 22.0%, the Smart Cities market is predicted to grow in size by 2027 at a double-digit annual growth rate of up to 15%. Cutting-edge technologies are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) for decision-making processes and services provided, IoT technologies based on 5G, NBiOT and Lorawan, Edge Computing, Business Intelligence (BI) technologies, Blockchain and Smart Contracts, Cloud Computing for data that can be processed in Cloud infrastructures. So the demand for IT services and for software is now quite dependent on the need of the business-clients of the sector to transform digitally, as quickly as possible, in order to manage to remain efficient and competitive.

In this context, the inclusion of Entersoft and Epsilon Net in larger business schemes with an international orientation is included after their acquisition by Olympia Group and Ginger Digital BidCo respectively and their exit from the Greek Capital Market. On the contrary, IT companies with an emphasis on business software, Profile, Real Consulting, Performance Technologies, Ilyda, Space Hellas, Unisystems, Softweb, Dotsoft, Q&R, as well as Ideal Holdings, which launches developments in the IT sector, make their stock market presence more visible. where it operates with Vyte, Adacom, Ideal Electronics and now BlueStream.

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According to recent data from IOBE (July 2024), the climate regarding the expectations of businesses in the sector is positive. In particular, the index of business expectations in IT and Software Development showed a significant improvement and stands at 111.6 (from 97.9) points, slightly lower than last year (116.6 points).

Estimates for the current state of business are significantly strengthened to +32 from +15 points, while estimates for current demand are also moving to +32 from +15 points. Forecasts for the short-term course of demand move upwards and are formed at +41 points from +25 points the relative balance, as well as positive forecasts for employment at +45 points from +30 points. At the same time, deflationary trends for prices were set at -9 points.

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