‘Improving the quality of heart care is my primary goal’

by time news

2023-05-22 22:03:00

“Obviously we continue on the path outlined, to improve the quality of care, the increase in the use of telemedicine and the strengthening of the networks on other cardiological pathologies, with particular attention to young people”. As Fabrizio Oliva, new president of the National Association of hospital cardiologists (Anmco)presenting the objectives of his mandate after his election last Saturday at the National Congress which took place in Rimini from 18 to 20 May.

“The most important objective to improve the quality of care – explains Oliva – has as tools two observational studies that will start shortly: ‘Bringup prevention’ and ‘Bringup heart failure’. The first – he continues – aims to improve secondary prevention on patients who have already had cardiovascular events such as a heart attack and who are not on target with the recommended treatments. Approximately 3,000 patients will be enrolled. 219 national centers have already joined. We propose – adds the new ANMCO president – to improve the treatment of dyslipidemia, i.e. cholesterol, blood pressure control and adherence to life hygiene and habits.We already have data from the real world – remember – which tell us, for example, that 40% of patients treated with anti-dyslipidemics have low adherence, meaning they do not take tablets and this correlates with higher mortality”.

“The other study – explains Oliva – is dedicated to patients who are followed up in cardiology” for heart failure problems. “Also in this case, a picture of the situation is taken to understand where to improve treatments. Data will be collected from at least 5,000 patients in about 200 centers along the boot. We have data from the real world that tell us that drug treatments are only for 58 % of them”.

Another chapter concerns telemedicine. “At the congress we presented the data from the 2022 census, the eighth, of Italian cardiology – recalls the new president -. We had answers from 99% of the structures”, therefore the real photograph. 2015 and that 78% of cardiologists during the Covid period had a reduction in activity which, after the emergency, dropped to 16% – Oliva details – the important fact to report is the little use of telemedicine, used only by about 30% of the structures. It is an objective to be improved in the future – the specialist reiterates -. Cardiologists need to have this service in order to interact with the territory. The best thing would be to equip 100%, but at least 50% should be achieve in the coming years”.

Another challenge for the new president is the strengthening of cardiological networks for other pathologies, beyond heart attacks, “such as cardiogenic shock and heart failure – underlines Oliva -. The ideal is to build a hub and spoke network to so that the patient, wherever he is seen for the first time, has the same level of care and timely transfer to the hub center, if necessary”.

Last but not least, because it is “the aspect on which I based my campaign – concludes the Anmco president – there is the promotion of young people. For example, we have a project called Next generation with dedicated events for training, the drafting of scientific articles and participation, as protagonists, in scientific conferences”.

#Improving #quality #heart #care #primary #goal

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