IMSS achieves stem cell transplantation for a child with brain cancer

by time news
  • Dr. Mariana Ortiz Azpilcueta, in charge of the Brain and Bone Tumor Clinic of the Pediatric Hospital, said that the multidisciplinary work of the IMSS specialists and the treatment allowed increasing the possibility that the minor would continue to live.
  • The treatment consisted of extracting stem cells from the bone marrow, to save them and make a transplant after cancer treatment.
  • After 15 months of being diagnosed, the five-year-old patient rang “the bell of life” as a symbol of victory over the disease.

The specialists of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) of the Pediatric Hospital of the National Medical Center (CMN) Siglo XXI achieved a feat. For the first time in the history of the hospital, a Stem cell transplantation to a pediatric patient with a diagnosis of a primary tumor of the central nervous system of the brain. Thanks to this action, he was allowed to overcome his condition and be free of the tumor.

Innovation within the IMSS

Fifteen months after being diagnosed, five-year-old Beto on his last day of consultation rang “the bell of life” that is located in the area of ​​the External Consultation of the High Specialty Medical Unit (UMAE) “Dr. Silvestre Frenk Freund”. This symbol represents victory over disease.

Dr. Mariana Ortiz Azpilcueta, in charge of the Brain and Bone Tumor Clinic at the Pediatric Hospital, explained the process that was followed. Tumor resection surgery was performed first, followed by chemotherapy and consolidation of the transplantation of hematopoietic cells, also known as blood stem cells. Thanks to all of the above, it was possible to restore the function of the bone marrow.

All the steps to follow to perform the stem cell transplant

He stressed that the multidisciplinary work by the specialists from the UMAE of the IMSS and the treatment made it possible to increase the possibility for the minor to remain alive.

He reported that after Beto arrived at the UMAE Brain Tumor ClinicAfter evaluating him, it was determined that he was a candidate for a stem cell transplant, which are extracted from the same patient’s bone marrow, are preserved. Then high doses of chemotherapy are given and finally the stored cells are transplanted.

Ortiz Azpilcueta explained that this transplant was necessary because, derived from the high doses of chemotherapies received, the patient’s blood cells were destroyed and are important for survival. Therefore there was a need to implement the good components that were saved at the beginning.

The Social Security specialist recalled that in September 2021 the patient was sent from the General Hospital of the Zone (HGZ) 2-A “Troncoso” with a diagnosis of a brain tumor to the UMAE Neurosurgery Service.

He added that later, with the procedure performed on Beto in July 2022, there is no longer any trace of the cancer he suffered. While currently he will only be under surveillance as part of the protocol that is followed with patients who have presented this disease.

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