IMSS begins the massive basification of health workers

by time news

2023-08-29 23:00:11

To date, it is estimated that there are more than 80,000 elements hired for fees within the field of health.
The first stage of the massive basification of IMSS workers begins on September 1 in 7 states and will later extend to the rest of the country.
The CDMX will be the entity that will benefit the most because 5,107 temporary workers will receive their permanent employment contract.

Public health fulfills a very important function, although among its disadvantages are the labor conditions of the union. To date there are at least 80,000 elements contracted for fees. To put an end to this practice, the director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, announced the basification of thousands of workers.

In this vein, for decades it became “usual” hire personnel without the minimum guarantees established by law. Eventual contracts do not grant benefits or generate seniority. This abusive form remains to this day and for this reason one of the objectives is its abolition.

With this in mind, the official stated that as of September 1, the basicization of IMSS workers will begin. During the first stage, it will focus on seven entities in the country and will gradually cover the rest of the country.

Where and how many workers will be based?

The first entity this process will start on is Nayarit and it is planned to base 472 workers. In addition, 673 million pesos have been invested in the rehabilitation of 237 units and 405 million pesos in the acquisition of medical equipment.

Another case is that of Tlaxcala where the qualification of a hemodynamics unit is prioritized. In addition, 412 workers who were under contract will be basified. Similarly, 466 million pesos have been invested: 288 in rehabilitation of 111 medical units and 178 in equipment acquisition.

In Colima the replacement of the Zacualpan Health Center is carried out. 194 medical specialists have been hired and the base will be 183. The investment is 304 million pesos for conservation of 69 units and purchase of equipment.

In the case of Baja California Sur, the Santa Rosalía de Mulegé Hospital will be launched. 219 specialist doctors have been hired and 232 workers will be based.

In Sonora The priority project is the Vícam Switch Hospital for the Yaqui peoples. 490 specialists have been hired and 922 workers will be based. The investment is 865 million pesos for conservation of units and purchase of equipment.

With respect to Sinaloa The opening of the General Hospital and the Health Center with Expanded Services (Cessa), both in Culiacán, are near. 474 specialists have been hired for the different services and 1,543 workers will be based.

Lastly, the Mexico City The Cuajimalpa General Hospital has already started operations and the “La Pastora” Specialties Unit has been completed. In September, 5,107 temporary workers will be basified in a first stage and 522 million pesos have been invested in the conservation of 160 units.

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#IMSS #begins #massive #basification #health #workers

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