IMSS Bienestar has recruited 4,704 medical specialists

by time news
  • So far, the IMSS Well-being model is already implemented in 11 states and in the first quarter of this year Michoacán, Morelos, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas were incorporated.
  • In the second quarter of 2023, with the incorporation of eight states, 56.5% of the 66.4 million Mexicans without social security will be served.
  • To provide care to the population, 4,704 medical specialists have been hired.

From the beginning of the current administration, it was mentioned that one of the priorities was to provide medical attention to people with fewer resources. To date, it is one of the goals that has not been achieved and for this reason, in recent months, a massive recruitment of personnel has begun. The objective is to bring together medical specialists so that they can be integrated into the IMSS Wellness and move to rural areas.

Recruitment of specialist doctors

With the above in mind, the general director of the IMSS, Zoe Robledo, submitted a work report. The first thing he said is that up to now, 4,704 doctors and medical specialists have been incorporated in 11 stateswhere the implementation has already been carried out in the health units of the state governments.

He further noted that the IMSS Wellness It is in the process of being applied in Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí. While eight more states are the target for the second quarter of the year and another three entities will be added as of July.

He indicated that in the country there are 66.4 million Mexican men and women who do not have any social security coverage and are served by the state governments that transit their health services towards IMSS Bienestar.

“We started with a program that had 11 million people served, 17 percent of the total population without social security; At the end of 2022, in the nine states where we started: Nayarit, Tlaxcala, Colima, Sonora, Sinaloa, Baja California Sur, Veracruz, Guerrero and Campeche, we reached 33 percent of this universe”.

He highlighted that, in the first quarter of this year, with the implementation of IMSS Well-being in Michoacán, Morelos, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas managed to serve 26.4 million Mexican men and women, which represents 39.8 percent of the population.

The official assured that for the second quarter of the year, with the incorporation of eight new states: Baja California, Chiapas, Durango, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Tabasco, Tamaulipas and Quintana Roo, attention will be given to 66.4 million people, 56.5 percent of the whole goal. To conclude in the third quarter of the year with Aguascalientes, Mexico City and Puebla, to reach 68.1 percent.

Dispatch of specialist doctors to the most needy areas of the country

The general director of Social Security explained the general advances in medical personnel and the supply of medicines in the entities that operate with the model IMSS Wellness. In the case of Nayarit, it indicated that before the implementation there were 226 medical specialists and currently there are 526 but the goal is to reach 550. The supply of prescriptions went from 35 to 99 percent.

He reported that Tlaxcala initially had 289 medical specialists. Today it has 519, that is, an increase of 179 percent, being the totality of the need for this care model; and in the supply it went from 50 to 96 percent of the filled prescriptions.

Zoé Robledo explained that Colima had 218 doctors and medical specialists. By March 2023, it closed with 359, 100 percent of the goal. The drug supply indicator went from 45 to 94 percent.

The head of the IMSS pointed out that in Baja California Sur there were 134 doctors, which was all the specialists who cared for the population without social security; today there are 241, an increase of 179 percent, and the goal is 290. The supply of medicines went from 65 to 99 percent.

He explained that in Sonora there were 419 doctors at the beginning of the implementation of the IMSS-Welfare model, currently it has 667, an increase of 62 percent; the goal is to reach 866. “Sonora had a very pressing condition regarding the supply of medicines with a registered 20 percent of filled prescriptions; today it has 98 percent”.

Zoé Robledo pointed out that in Sinaloa there were 585 doctors when the health plan began and today there are 800, which represents 159 percent, with a goal of 926; in the supply of medicines it went from 39 to 96 percent.

He added that in Campeche there were 94 specialist doctors in eleven hospitals and currently there are 270, which represents 130 percent, the goal is to reach 316; the supply of medicines went from 65 to 98 percent of filled prescriptions.

In the case of Guerrero, there are 601 specialist doctors, currently there are 782 and an effort will be made in the following months to reach the 1,033 needed to attend the 42 hospitals. In the supply it went from 57 to 86 percent.

The general director of the IMSS remarked that in Veracruz there were 350 doctors at the beginning of this process; Currently there are 609 and 100 would be missing to reach the 709 required for the care of the 37 second level units. The supply of medicines went from 61 to 80 percent.

He added that in Michoacán at the beginning there were 536 doctors and doctors, and it has already reached 839, which is the goal that was needed; it went from 80 to 96 percent of filling prescriptions. In Morelos there were 402 doctors at the start, it has reached 479; however, this status refers to only four hospitals and nine more will now be incorporated, which will move the indicator.

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