IMSS Brain Code Program will be national and that’s how it works

by time news
  • The IMSS Brain Code program was implemented in July 2022 and links the three levels of care.
  • It is not yet available in all units but it is expected to reach all in the short term.
  • To follow up on the treatment of cases of Cerebral Vascular Disease, homologation in the treatment is requested.

The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) implemented a national strategy that involves preventive medicine in its First, Second and Third level care medical units. With this, the Integral Attention Protocol (PAI) Código Cerebro and the Response Center for Attention in Código Cerebro They will be identification tools to guarantee that patients with suspected cerebrovascular disease (CVD) are treated in a timely manner.

Training for medical personnel

During the closing of the Brain Code and Training Course in Mechanical Thrombectomy for Latin America, held at the Congress Unit of the Siglo XXI National Medical Center (CMN), the director of Medical Services of the IMSS, doctor Célida Duque Molina, explained that only follow up on a CVD with the systematization and homologation in the treatment.

Dr. Célida Duque Molina said that the The Brain Code program was implemented in July 2022 and links the three levels of care. What he is looking for is an opportune opinion between the clinical diagnosis, the confirmation by tomography and the start of treatment, a fundamental time for patients to survive and have a better functional prognosis.

How does it work?

He stressed that the PAI Brain Codewhich includes the interventions of a multidisciplinary team from the three levels of care and has an important component to systematize and standardize the service.

He maintained that the Siglo XXI and La Raza National Medical Centers are the benchmarks for advanced management and have received more than 3,000 cases in recent months. Of that number, 650 have been treated, without presenting neurological sequelae, and the patients have quickly reintegrated into their social and working lives.

“Today we managed to have 128 Zone General Hospitals with this and 10 High Specialty Medical Units. The implementation has been extended to guarantee at least one hospital in each state, even in the most remote regions of the country, and just train personnel with all the knowledge for the timely identification of symptoms and rapid diagnosis.”

Duque Molina stated that with the performance of the Response Center for Attention in Brain Code There is a national map where the medical units that have a tomograph are identified and that serve as reference centers to transfer the patient with suspected CVD, in order to carry out a confirmatory study of the condition.

He affirmed that through this instrument the transfer times to those units are identified through the command center of Brain Code. The purpose is to streamline care and ensure that patients with confirmed or suspected cerebrovascular accident can be referred to complementary units in a timely manner.

Duque Molina expressed that work will be done to replicate the certification in the Second and Third Level medical units, in addition to strengthening training; he added that this year, with the Coordination of Education and the Hospital of Specialties of the CMN La Razawill begin the training course in neuro-interventionism on May 2 and by March 2024 this subspecialty will be available.

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