IMSS creates Code Rosa to prevent theft of babies in hospitals

by time news

2023-06-12 22:00:53

  • At the Hospital de Especialidades del CMN Siglo XXI, a drill was carried out, with the hypothesis of the attempted abduction of a newborn by a person who posed as medical personnel.
  • Training in this and other protocols is part of Hospital Seguro.
  • Civil Protection has 9 protocols, each one assigned a different color, which must be applied within hospitals.

Prevention is an indispensable part of health and should be applied in all settings. In addition to anticipating the appearance of diseases, it must also be taken into account within the entire hospital environment. With this in mind, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) reinforced its attention to beneficiaries with the Code Rosa protocol.

In this sense, a problem that has been reported in various units is the newborn theft. This is a fairly serious crime that must be eradicated for all its implications.

IMSS creates the Pink Code

To put an end to this inconvenience, this protocol was reinforced, which has the objective of achieving the prompt location of girls and boys in situations of disappearance, absence or loss within their hospital units.

In order to train and sensitize medical, nursing, technical personnel in Attention and Guidance to the Beneficiary, Conservation, General Services and security and civil protection elements, drills of this code are regularly carried out.

The director of the Hospital de Especialidades del Centro Médico Nacional (CMN) Siglo XXI, Natividad Neri Muñoz, led a drill that was carried out in this High Specialty Medical Unit (UMAE), located south of Mexico City.

The hypothesis was the attempted robbery of a newborn who was in the care of his father and who is deceived by a subject who pretends to be a doctor, who asks him to hand over the baby to carry out a study protocol. When the Code Pinkthe accesses to the hospital were closed and the Federal Police personnel found the minor inside a backpack.

“Immediately we notify the personnel of the entire Unit, and together with the police we undertake the task of searching for the minor; we distribute ourselves on the roof, floors, basement, the doors are closed, we also have thermal cameras to search backpacks and nothing comes out without prior review, all until we locate the infant. We verified his state of health, and the identity of the father or guardian”.

He pointed out that training in this and other protocols is continuous, as part of Safe Hospital. Training within the Civil Protection Program is carried out on a daily basis.

Alejandro Ángeles Torres, head of Civil Protection and head of the Maintenance Office of the Specialty Hospital of the CMN Siglo XXI, explained that the “Código Rosa” training is the product of a collegiate effort of the Hospital Emergency and Disaster Committee, made up mainly of elements of the Civil Protection and Safe Hospital programs.

He pointed out that when planning the drills, hypotheses should be proposed to determine the nature of the disturbing agent, its intensity, magnitude and scope, “whether it will be for the entire UMAE or just one section, and the main characteristics of each of the agents, since it could be an earthquake, a fire, the loss or theft of an infant, demolition or other causes”.

All Civil Protection protocols

For this reason, he said that he has nine Civil Protection protocols, each one is assigned a color: red for fire; yellow for evacuation; blue in cases of violence; green for acute disease; purple per person trapped; pink suede lost, absence or loss of an infant, and gray in the case of an older adult; orange for problems in the supply of fluids and vital lines; coffee from a spill or leak of a hazardous chemical.

Michel Lancón Pérez, brigade member of the Hospital de Especialidades del CMN Siglo XXI, highlighted that each brigade member and element of the Federal Police act together at the moment this protocol is activated, they are placed in access doors, corridors, areas such as operating rooms and rooms Standby. Communication is carried out using radio frequencies and codes to locate and arrest the aggressor, with the priority of locating and recovering the minor.

In this drill, Lancón Pérez pretended to be the person trying to take the minor from the hospital. He pointed out that although it is a role that nobody wants to do, the training of the personnel includes a psychological preparation to carry out this exercise in the most real way possible, for which reason he took on the task of reviewing experiences that have occurred in other institutions.

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