IMSS elevator fails (again) and leaves doctors trapped

by time news

2023-07-29 02:00:28

While Mexico invests 2.6% of its GDP in health, in Nordic countries such as Sweden and Denmark the figure is higher than 11%.
Once again, the IMSS was a national trend due to the failure of the elevator in one of its hospitals, although on this occasion there were no fatalities.
Although more hospitals are required, it is also necessary to modernize and maintain existing ones.

Public health is constantly mocked for its shortcomings. Although sometimes they are unjustified claims, in others it is impossible to deny that it has many shortcomings. In this case the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) returned to the news due to failure of the elevator in one of its units. It all happened just a few days after the tragedy in Playa del Carmen.

The lack of investment has existed for decades and the result can be seen in the state of hospitals. Although during the current administration not enough has been done to achieve real change. In the end, those affected are both health professionals and beneficiaries.

IMSS elevator fails… again!

On July 10, what the authorities described as an “accident” was recorded. A flaw within Regional Hospital No. 18 of Playa del Carmen in Quintana Roo caused the death of the 6-year-old girl Aitana, who was transported on a stretcher and got stuck in the door.

Not even a month has passed yet and now a similar event has been recorded. This time the incident occurred in the Regional General Hospital (HGR) No. 46 of Guadalajara and was generated around 6:00 p.m. on July 27.

According to official information, a total of eight people, including six beneficiaries and two workers, plus a stretcher, were detained for 10 minutes. No one was injured and everyone escaped unharmed.

Based on a bulletin published by the IMSS, at the moment the elevator operation was suspended, hospital personnel activated the protocols and called Civil Protection to report the event. At the same time, the people held in the elevator dialed 911 and forced the door to exit through the soffit, since the elevator had stopped on a mezzanine floor.

For his part, one of the health workers shared several videos with what happened. What is observed is the way in which a hole had to be made in the ceiling to get the people who were trapped out of the emergency.

In turn, up to now Social Security has not mentioned the consequences of this damage. In the past, it made the company in charge of the installation and maintenance of the elevators responsible, although now there is still no such person.

Other sad recent cases

In another order of ideas, this type of failure has also been denounced within the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE). Just a few days ago there was a failure in the General Hospital “Dr. Fernando Ocaranza” located in Hermosillo, Sonora.

In his case, because the elevator stopped working, the support of the fire brigade was necessary to load a patient and get him transferred up the stairs.

In the end, all these examples are confirmation of the constant deficiencies that exist in public units. Not only are more hospitals required, but also to modernize and maintain existing ones.

Also read:

Doctor dies after falling from a broken elevator for trying to save his girlfriend: This happened

VIDEO: ISSSTE hospital elevator fails and firefighters carry a patient up the stairs

Defective IMSS elevator causes the death of a girl, who should be held responsible?

#IMSS #elevator #fails #leaves #doctors #trapped

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