IMSS organized the first national meeting of children with diabetes

by time news

2023-07-04 04:00:54

According to the IMSS, 48% of the children with diabetes it cares for have achieved metabolic control.
On the other hand, worldwide the figure is 30%.
This first meeting made it possible to make visible the problem of this chronic-degenerative disease and to share experiences.

The Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) held the First National Meeting of Girls, Boys and Adolescents living with Diabetes. The objective of this initiative was to share work experiences of multidisciplinary groups that provide comprehensive care to minors.

The inauguration ceremony took place at the facilities of the IMSS Magic Lantern Cinema. More than 65 minors attended, their families and caregivers from the High Specialty Medical Units (UMAE) General Hospital La Raza National Medical Center, Pediatric Hospital Siglo XXI National Medical Center and Regional Hospital No 32. Also medical personnel responsible for their care and institutional and sectorial authorities with more than 200 attendees.

In addition, the 49 multidisciplinary groups located in medical units of all federal entities participated virtually, of which seven are from the Third Level and 42 from the Second Level of care.

Results of the PediatrIMSS program

In her inaugural message, the director of Medical Benefits, Dr. Celida Duque Molinahighlighted that the effort of Social Security with the PediatriMSS program has achieved that children with diabetes are cared for in units of the Institute so that they have a metabolic control of about 48 percent, while the world average is 30 percent. .

He explained that the commitment of the multidisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and social workers throughout the country has improved metabolic control. In addition, comprehensive care has been strengthened with hospital committees for closer follow-up.

He pointed out that this First National Meeting of children living with diabetes made visible the problem of this chronic-degenerative disease, shared experiences in the treatment of specialists and the importance of promoting self-care in pediatric patients.

Duque Molina indicated that progress has been made in the instructions of the general director of the IMSS, Zoé Robledo, to provide timely, quality and humanitarian care in order to offer a better quality of life to children with diabetes.

Importance of Continuing Medical Training

For his part, the head of the Decentralized Administrative Operation Body (OOAD) of the IMSS Mexico City South, doctor Luis Rafael López Ocañasaid that the Social Security health personnel are always close to their pediatric patients to help them in the planning and continuity of care for this disease.

He commented that this work requires support and accompaniment in the control of the condition of both parents and minors with diabetes.

In her speech, the Secretary for Substantive Equality of the National Union of Social Security Workers (SNTSS)Nayeli Fernández Bobadilla, representing the Secretary General Arturo Olivares Cerda, said that through programs such as PediatrIMSS, efforts have been focused on improving the quality of life of pediatric beneficiaries, as well as the children of workers who live with this disease. .

Also read:

3 out of 10 Mexican children with obesity have prediabetes: UNAM

Increased incidence of children with obesity and diabetes in Jalisco: IMSS

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