IMSS presents a new program to combat childhood cancer

by time news
  • One of the objectives of this strategy is to incorporate state-of-the-art technology to treat all cases of childhood cancer.
  • The director of the IMSS presumed that during the current administration it went from having 3 to 35 State Reference Centers for Pediatric Care (ONCOCREAN).
  • During 2022, they treated 1,087 patients and the survival level went from 46 to 90%.

under the International Childhood Cancer Day commemorated every February 15, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) presented the Translational Research Program (TRASLADA). The objective is to make the most of resources, equipment and scientific productivity through innovation in cancer care and research, for the benefit of minors with this disease.

Timely detections of the disease

During the event held at the National Academy of Medicine, at the Siglo XXI National Medical Center (CMN), the general director of the IMSS, Zoé Robledo, pointed out that TRANSFER will contribute to the early and effective approach to pathologies through scientific knowledge and its educational and technological transfer. In addition, use will be made of state-of-the-art equipment and the scientific productivity of Institute researchers.

He stressed that Social Security detects two thousand new cases of childhood cancer, attention that historically had focused only on Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey, for which it was decided to bring highly specialized medicine to the entire country.

“In this administration we went from having three to 35 State Reference Centers for Pediatric Care. With the ONCOCREAN we make an alliance between scientific research and medical care”.

He also stated that this program will achieve greater links with the health sector through academic entities such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM), the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) and regulatory entities.

He indicated that the ONCOCREAN guarantees early diagnosis and timely treatment, as well as a deep knowledge of the malignant ecosystem of each patient, which allows guiding their personalized management and close accompaniment to families, a strategy with which rapid access to chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, hormonal therapy, and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

The general director of the IMSS said that since September 3, 2020, a working group has been established that meets weekly with mothers and fathers of pediatric patients undergoing cancer treatment, which allows joint decisions to be made that are most convenient, with sensitivity, closeness and humanism.

In her speech, Dr. Celida Duque Molinadirector of Medical Benefits, pointed out that today immediate referral is guaranteed from the First Level of Care, early diagnosis, timely treatment and interventions such as the Golden Hour are carried out to timely identify complications.

He stressed that there is a comprehensive national census that was established in 2022, with which it is known exactly what the diagnostic period of children and adolescents is in each medical unit of the country’s states, as well as the training of more than 100 specialists, strengthening of transplant centers and increasing hospital capacity.

More specialists to care for patients

reported that they were recruited 256 medical specialists in Pediatrics, Hematology and OncologyIn addition, psycho-emotional accompaniment and support strategies have been generated to identify supply issues, medical and hospital care, and reduce waiting times to use a bed or receive laboratory studies.

assured that Childhood cancer care is a priority for the IMSS and for the nation, which forces us to remember that access to timely and comprehensive treatment must be guaranteed for all children of any origin and economic condition.

For its part, the coordinator of Health Research, Laura Bonifaz Alfonsohighlighted that the TASLADA program represents the assistance arms in the Units and Research Centers, where deep knowledge and specialized tests to influence preventive, predictive and therapeutic medicine.

Meanwhile, Dr. Enrique López Aguilar, coordinator of Oncology Care, highlighted the achievements of the 35 ONCOCREAN. In 2022, there were 1,087 patients and it is possible to know which is the most appropriate treatment for each one; In addition, the survival level went from 46 to 90 percent.

Also read:

The most frequent types of childhood cancer in Mexico

Childhood cancer cannot be prevented, but it can be detected early

This is the only Clinic for Childhood Cancer Survivors in Mexico

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