IMSS reveals its main challenges for the next 80 years

by time news

2023-07-05 20:00:22

The reform to the Social Security Law of 2020 allowed 93.5% of affiliated workers to retire in 2021.
The main financial challenges of the IMSS are the professionalization of its staff, improving accounting practices, cost analysis and productivity, as well as spending discipline and regulatory improvements.
Social Security was officially created on January 19, 1943.

Since its conception the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) has faced multiple challenges. Since then, 80 years have passed and although some have passed, there are also others that are still pending. In addition to patient care, it is also necessary to think about medical personnel and the conditions in which they carry out their work.

With this in mind, the forum was held “Financial Challenges and Perspectives 2023 IMSS – 80 years”. The objective was to analyze the current panorama and everything that is planned to be done during the next eight decades.

In this regard, the director of Finance of Social Security, Marco Aurelio Ramirez Corzoaffirmed that the Institute is advancing in mitigating the main risks in disease prevention, infrastructure and equipment, in addition to regulatory measures for better control of spending.

What are the new challenges of the IMSS?

For his part, he stated that the main financial challenges for the next 80 years of the IMSS are to continue with the professionalization of its staff, improve accounting practices, cost analysis and productivity, as well as spending discipline and regulatory improvements.

He added that the challenges must be faced with transversal actions that allow the balance of the Health and Maternity Insurance, strengthen a continuous exercise of analysis and application of strategies to increase the term of sufficiency, with an efficient resource practice.

The IMSS Finance Director pointed out that work must be done in view of the change in population dynamics, because in the coming years there will be an increase in older adults and life expectancy, which is a challenge in providing social security services and the pension financing.

For his part, the CEO of Afore XXI-Banorte, David Razú Aznarcommented that the challenges for the financial performance of the pension are to expand coverage universally and reinforce the benefits of savings for the population.

recent economic recovery

He added that with the reform to the Social Security Law (LSS) As of 2020, the essence of the pension system and the reduction in weeks of contribution have been recovered, which allowed 93.5 percent of affiliated workers to retire in 2021.

David Razú argued that workers must raise awareness about the empowerment and management of their Afore, and advance the purpose of the SAR with the search for the best investments for the benefit of pensioners through voluntary savings.

During the forum, the macroeconomic perspectives for the 2023-2024 period, investment portfolio management, cybersecurity in digital ecosystems, best practices in cost and profitability management of the Health Services Provider Institution (IPS) and its relevance for the promotion of efficient expense management.

In addition, the financial challenge for public social security institutions that contemplate the provision of medical coverage, situation and challenges for financial sufficiency in public social security institutions, effects of the reform of the Social Security Law on public finances, growth prospects of the Retirement Savings System (SAR), and environmental, social and governance criteria (ASG)-Sustainable Taxonomy of Mexico.

Among the perspectives and recommendations developed at the forum are: strengthening digital ecosystems, having global parity to address technology coverage gaps, shared responsibility for health between employer and employee, having a local-global collaborative approach to well-being, involving to the participants.

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#IMSS #reveals #main #challenges #years

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