‘In 30 questions’ is born, an interactive guide on depression that answers the most frequent doubts about this disease

by time news

It is estimated that 280 Millions of people around the world suffer from depression. Recognizing the symptoms of this disease and knowing how to act to deal with it is the key to recovery and with this mission was born in 30 questionsthe first collaborative interactive guide on depression promoted by Lundbeck -a pharmaceutical company specializing in brain diseases-, together with SEPSM (Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health), SEMERGEN (Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians), ANAED Foundation and the La Barandilla association.

The guide, which combines audiovisual and written answers, brings together 30 of the most frequent questions that family members, friends and patients with depression ask health professionals and aims to become a reference for all those who seek verified and reliable information.

“Specialists such as Dr. Guillermo Lahera, Dr. Eva Trillo, María Pavón, José Ramón Pagés-Lluyot, José Manuel Dolader and Junibel Lancho explain questions such as why we can suffer from depression, the keys to treatment pharmacological and therapeutic, the phase of recoverythe importance of a healthy life, the role of the family and the social environment, the relationship between depression and the risk of suicide and much more”, explain those responsible.

More vulnerable to misinformation

According to data collected in a report prepared by Maldita Ciencia de Maldita.es, which analyzes the existing information on this disease on the Internet, people with depression are more vulnerable to misinformation and hoaxes. In the cited study, conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, people with symptoms of depression (46%) were significantly more likely to believe misinformation.

“Depression and the people who suffer from it are the object of hoaxes and myths that are present both in social networks and in society in general, ‘lifelong’ ideas that interfere with the correct knowledge of this disease, which is one of the most most prevalent in the world”, they add.

The creators of in 30 questions point out that, when in doubt or uncertainty, most patients look for information in digital sources but warn that sometimes the information consulted on the web is not rigorous or may not be sufficiently understandable while this guideline has reliable information, solid and scientific evidence based on depression.

“It is essential that there is a dialogue between mental health researchers, clinicians and society, generating a scientific culture on these issues. This is how we align the interests of people with the knowledge that professionals can contribute”, affirms the doctor Guillermo LaheraHead of Psychiatry at the Prince of Asturias University Hospital.

The doctor Eva Trillo, specialist in Family and Community Medicine, CS Campo de Belchite and vice president of SEMERGEN Aragón adds that “generally we tend to use the internet and social networks when we don’t know where to go, who to ask. For this reason, it is necessary to collaborate to provide pages and material with scientific rigor and prepared by professionals. This guide is a way to reach everyone, young people and not so young people, using clear and understandable language, and also making them understand that health professionals are there to help and accompany them along the way”.

As José Manuel Dolader, director of the La Barandilla Association, explains: “due to the pandemic suffered by COVID, mental health, and especially depression and anxiety, have become current news where many famous people are giving the face permanently recounting their experiences. However, each person is different and each depression is different from another suffered by any other citizen.

A lonely young woman sits on the windowsill and watches the rain outside

Finally, Jose Ramon Pages, coordinator of the ANAED Foundation, points out that “at this moment, there is a lot of talk about depression, but that does not mean that there is knowledge, there is a lack of information. Patients have many doubts” and advises that the first thing is to seek the help of a medical professional, just as we do with other illnesses: “Depression is a serious mental disorder that requires professional treatment.”

In 30 questions. Interactive Guide on Depression is part of the Rethink Depression project under the umbrella of the #DeLaDepresiónSeSale campaign promoted by Lundbeck to raise awareness and improve knowledge about depression. In addition to answering the most frequent questions that a person who has just received a diagnosis of depression asks in primary care, psychiatry and psychology consultations, it gives users access to different explanatory videos made by experts who try to resolve these doubts and provide rigorous and truthful information about the disease. The guide can be consulted on the web: www.rethinkdepression.com.

Cover of the interactive guide 'In 30 questions'.
Cover of the interactive guide ‘In 30 questions’.

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