In a period of about six months: Russia executed dozens of prisoners of war

by time news

The United Nations Human Rights Office announced today (Friday) that its investigators have confirmed thousands more casualties in the Russia-Ukraine war, including 21 people killed by Russian forces in executions or individual attacks.

“One year after the Russian Federation announced a full-scale armed attack against Ukraine, hostilities continue to exact a heavy toll on children, women and men across the country,” the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) announced in a new report.

In the report, it is detailed that at least 5,987 civilians were killed or injured between August 1, 2022 and January 31, 2023, we note that the number does not reflect all casualties during this time period, but only the cases that the investigators were able to verify.

Despite the report, Russia has repeatedly denied allegations that its forces committed atrocities during the invasion of Ukraine. The report documented the disappearance or “arbitrary detention” of 214 Ukrainians in Russian-occupied territory and 91 such cases in areas controlled by the Ukrainian government. Most of those arrested by Ukraine were suspected collaborators. Ukraine did not comment on the report either.

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