In addition to Cubans, now the IMSS goes for Venezuelan doctors

by time news
  • It is estimated that Mexico has a deficit of 200,000 doctors and specialists.
  • The IMSS opened 156 positions to hire Bolivian, Colombian, Venezuelan and other parts of South America doctors.
  • They seek to cover the specialties of traumatology and orthopedics, anesthesiology, general surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, internal medicine and radiodiagnosis.

To promote the field of health in our country, different decisions have been made. The ultimate purpose is to have enough elements to care for patients who require it. With this in mind, the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) enabled its first international recruitment campaign with which it hopes to attract Bolivian, Colombian, Venezuelan and other latitudes doctors.

In this sense, all part of the recent report of the General Directorate of Health Quality and Education (DGCES). It is stated that 200,000 general doctors and specialists are needed to comply with international recommendations. In fact, our country barely has a third of the ideal figure it should have.

As a result of the above, health personnel must fulfill multiple functions and attend to a large number of patients per day. The final result is a very great physical and emotional exhaustion for all the doctors.

For its part, one of the recent initiatives of the federal government was to hire more than 500 Cuban doctors. Everything materialized thanks to an agreement with the Caribbean country. While the goal is to send staff to rural areas that are understaffed to support people who have fewer resources.

IMSS now goes for Venezuelan doctors

However, the general director of the IMSS indicated that now it is planned to extend the program. At the moment there are 156 places available to hire Bolivian, Colombian, Venezuelan and other parts of South America doctors.

They seek to cover the specialties of traumatology and orthopedics, anesthesiology, general surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, internal medicine and radiodiagnosis.

“Now those places will be covered where there have been places that are offered year after year and that nobody takes them, they are mainly in remote places where there is great need and also a lot of vocation of these doctors who come to these places.”

He pointed out that in order to attract more medical specialists, Social Security carried out a investment of close to 400 million pesos and went from 200 to 400 training centers in all specialties.

Creation of the University of Health to train doctors and nurses

Similarly, it should be remembered that in 2020 the University of Health was inaugurated in Mexico City. This project was born to offer an opportunity to all young people who want to study Medicine or Nursing but are rejected in public and private schools.

To date there are thousand students and the project stands out for offering a community focus. For this reason, it is intended that at the end of university each graduate returns to their city of origin and offers their services to people with fewer resources.

For now, what do you think of the hiring of Venezuelan doctors?

Also read:

IMSS opens 5,600 new places for recently graduated residents

Mexico has a deficit of 200,000 general practitioners and specialists: SSa

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