In addition to the referendum, Amato also rejects the online signatures: “It leads to deciding without dialogue, on what everyone already knows. Better the gazebos”

by time news

“It is not certain that everything electronic enriches democracy, because the electronic signature leads to decide without dialogue, on what everyone already knows. On his judgments but also on his prejudices “. This was stated by the president of the Constitutional Court, Giuliano Amato, during the press conference in which he explained, among other things, the reasons that led the Council to reject the referendums on euthanasia and cannabis. At the end, the president also expressed his doubts about the collection of signatures online, which in his opinion penalizes “the dialogical part”. THE gazebohe said, “they imply a contact and a dialogue so you get hold of what you are signing for “

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Referendum Justice, Conte: “We are for the No, but ready to consult M5s members. Euthanasia and cannabis? The answer must be given by Parliament “


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